Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Obama And SarkozyTrashTalk Netanyahu - What Else in New?


Much is being made to day of yet another 'hot mic' incident - this time between President Obama and French President Nicholas Sarkozy when they thought they weren't being overheard.

Reportedly, when the conversation turned to Israeli PM Netanyahu, Sarkozy declared : "I cannot stand him. He is a liar." According to the report, Obama replied: "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"

To which Netanyahu's private reply was undoubtedly something along the lines of 'Az Mah?' Gam Atah! ( So what? Same to you!)

There's obviously no love lost between Obama and Netanyahu, or for that matter between Sarkozy and Obama if reports are to be believed.That's certainly no big secret.

Bibi has undoubtedly stretched the truth now and then..it's what anyone governing does. But frankly, if I were Netanyahu and had to deal with the likes of these two, I wouldn't be exactly honest and forthcoming either.

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