Saturday, November 5, 2011

Romance Town Episode 16

Hwang Yong steps away to call Soon Geum. He wants the police called off. He doesn’t know if he can get Hyun Joo to get off the plane, but if the police arrive, he’s going to stay on that flight and become a fugitive. Everyone in the airport rushes to the arrival gate to see Hwang Yong and Hyun Joo get off the plane. Hwang Yong’s men cheer like little boys at the sight of their boss, while Soo Jung scowls at Hyun Joo. Later that day, Hyun Joo goes to the bank and requests the 7.5 billion be withdrawn in one single check. The banker tells her to keep the check’s number so that if a thief steals the check, she can simply call the police with the check number, and the money will be put on hold and stay with her.

She calls up all the maids to meet at a restaurant, and arrives with Hwang Yong. Soon Geum arrives late, having had to finish all her responsibilities before being able to leave. She wants to get it all over with quickly, so she suggests that they split it all 5 ways and make it simple. Hyun Joo is so happy to hear that Soon Geum was on her side the entire time. Soon Geum declares that Hyun Joo will give them back all the 7.5 billion, and the four of them will give Hyun Joo an amount that is equal to how much they value their friendship with her. A compromise leads to all the maids pitching in to give Hyun Joo 1 billion Won. Later that evening, Hyun Joo writes down the check’s number in her book just in case, and then goes to meet the other maids in Soo Jung’s room. Before she hands over the check, she wants her 1 billion share first. The maids are all aghast – how can they give her the money they don’t have? Da Kyum (that sly one) suddenly remembers that Soon Geum still has her wealth. She can give the 1 billion to Hyun Joo first, and then the maids will pay her back later. The next morning, Hyun Joo goes over to deliver a plate of fruits at Hwang Yong’s office. She overhears his conversation with his daughter Joo Won though. Joo Won wants Hyun Joo fired, as she feels uneasy over the way Hyun Joo looks at her. She thinks Hyun Joo is only after her father for his money. However Hwang Yong likes Hyun Joo’s cooking, and he knows that she doesn’t like him just for the money. He admits feeling sorry for lying to her on the plane about needing her at home, but he had no choice then. Joo Won just wants him to hurry up and get married – perhaps with the lady he gave the pen to!

Hyun Joo is disappointed and angry that she was lied to. With that, she takes her bag of 1 billion and gets into a cab.The four other maids go to Hyun Joo’s bank to have the check split up and put in immediately into new separate bank accounts. But now they also have to pay back Soon Geum the 1 billion. Soo Jung says that they’re supposed to pitch in a total of 1 billion to Hyun Joo, but not everyone is going to give an equal amount. Soo Jung values her friendship at 50 million won, Da Kyum at 30 million, and Zar Lin at 20 million.Soon Geum informs Hyun Joo of what happened over the phone, and that just incenses Hyun Joo even more. She calls up the police, wanting to report her stolen check. The banker hesitantly hands back Da Kyum and Soo Jung’s bank book – but suddenly the police arrive! He informs them that the check was just reported as stolen, and so the three maids are thieves; Soon Geum is not involved in this.Hyun Joo had gone to the bank and asked for the 1 billion in the bank to be deposited into her account. As for the 7.5 billion? It can go into Soon Geum’s account.Hyun Joo and Young Hee go out for a drink in a form of mini celebration. He asks if she’s going to leave 1st Street now, but Hyun Joo now has a purpose. She wants revenge on all the households of 1st Street, and Soon Geum is with her on this. The other maids? They’ll be sentenced to about a year and a half in jail. She wants Young Hee’s smart brain to help them use the money the best way possible for revenge. After all, doesn’t he want revenge on all those rich people who refused to give him a single cent?

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