Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Alan Colmes Mocks Rick Santorum Over Dead Child - Lowest of The Low

People say FOX News is biased, but I can't imagine how you can possibly believe that when they allow a scumbag like Alan Colmes airtime. Regular members of Joshua's Army might remember that he actually applauded Iran's proxy war against our troops in Iraq and accused Sarah Palin of causing her son's Down's Syndrome. But his latest ought to ensure that no one of any decency has anything to do with him again.

Asked about GOP Candidate Rick Santorum's recent surge in Iowa, Colmes replied: "Well, hah hah. it's certainly hard work in that he visited all the ugly - you know, like every part of the state. And it's also that the Republicans have speed dated every other Republican and so there's nobody left except Rick Santorum. But once they get a load of some of the crazy things he said and done like taking his two-hour old baby who died right after childbirth home and played with it for a couple of hours so his other children would know that the child was real...."

At that point NRO Editor Rich Lowrey, another guest on the panel interrupted him, saying: "That's a cheap shot, Alan. To say it's crazy, something that's that personal and hurtful as losing a child and to mock it like that is beyond the pale and beneath you."

Except that in this case Rich Lowrey is dead wrong. Nothing is beneath this creep..absolutely nothing. Some one should have slapped his smirking countenance out of that chair and thrown him out of the building bodily.

Below, Senator Santorum talks about this son's death, and why he brought his son home for the last time:

Alan Colmes tweeted the following afterwards:


just spoke to @RickSantorum. He and Karen graciously accepted my apology for a hurtful comment

I sent a retweet to Alan Colmes telling him exactly what I thought of him. It was not polite or gracious in the least.

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