Friday, November 4, 2011

Romance Town Episode 14

Tae Won willingly goes with the police, even though he maintains his innocence about evading taxes on his personal income. The investigator asks if he ever bought lottery tickets, and Tae Won lies that he never did. As for the maids, all of them are ready to cut Hyun Joo out of her share… except Soon Geum. She’s the only ethical person in the room and argues that Hyun Joo has played go-stop with them so many times, so why are they nitpicking over her skipping out once? Soo Jung puts it up to a vote – all those in favor of splitting 10 billion four ways say aye. Of course, everyone says “Aye,” outnumbering Soon Geum; an extra 500 million Won is no chump change. Soon Geum meekly agrees, and Da Kyum raises the issue over how to carry the money out. They decide to pack the three maids’ shares into garbage bags and lug it outside. The maids all struggle with the garbage bags and bump into Hyun Joo outside. Soo Jung makes up the excuse that Soon Geum had been procrastinating in taking out the trash, so they’re all helping her with it.The maids discuss what to do with the money, and decide to go to a hotel to store it. It would be more secure than a public location like a sauna.The maids arrive at the hotel and manage to get a room after reassuring the concierge that they won’t be throwing their “garbage” in the hotel. Soo Jung hides her money in the TV cabinet, Da Kyum’s in the dresser drawers, and Zar Lin under the bed. Happy that their money is safe for the time being, they put a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the knob and go down to the nightclub for a round of dancing.At the nightclub, Soo Jung, Zar Lin, and Da Kyum are having a blast (in ahjumma dresses). Suddenly, Zar Lin spies Son Jin Pyo out of the corner of her little eye, and immediately the three ladies pounce. Zar Lin declares her love for him, while Bong Yi and Jin Pyo ask that they leave them be. After all, they’re humans who want a private life too. Soo Jung – with her big mouth – divulges that the three of them are the 1st place lottery winners… and they’d like to buy the boys a drink. The two men scoff and reject them. Jin Pyo continues struggling to find the hotel room Bong Yi had reserved and receives a call from some viewer who wants to know how to win the jackpot.He falls on a doorknob and knocks down the “Do Not Disturb” sign – the one for the maids’ room. He picks it back up and puts it on at the “Please Make Up the Room” side.Hyun Joo takes out the trash, and she realizes that none of the other ladies’ trash bags are at the receptacle area. They also couldn’t have been taken away because yesterday was a Sunday. Something’s suspicious! Meanwhile back at the hotel, a maid cleans up the room and finds all the garbage bags. Hyun Joo goes into Zar Lin’s room, looking for her. She then spots a signed coaster from Son Jin Pyo on Zar Lin’s vanity mirror. She goes to Soo Jung’s, but no one is there either. She helps clean up the mess, and that’s when she sees some travel brochures carelessly left out under the table. Why does Soo Jung have travel brochures?

She follows Soon Geum out of the neighborhood, thinking that the maids are up to something without her. Soon Geum goes all the way to the hotel, calling Soo Jung and telling them to meet up at room 1004 so that they can recount the money and then bring it to the bank.Hyun Joo overhears the conversation and makes her way quickly up to room 1004. She sees a hotel chambermaid’s cart and quickly steals the “Please Make Up Room” card from across the hall. When the chambermaid comes by, she gives her a tip and says that the room needs some extra cleaning. With that, the chambermaid opens the door for the both of them.

The room is absolutely empty, but Hyun Joo distracts the maid by requesting she clean the bathroom again.

The three maids finally arrive. They all enter the elevator, and that’s when Bong Yi and Jin Pyo come down to the lobby. Bong Yi immediately spots Soon Geum and chases her up the hotel. Soon Geum is shocked to see him there, and he’s equally shocked to see her with the other ladies from last night, who claimed to have won the lottery. So – did she win it too?!Soon Geum freaks out when she realizes he knows that the ladies won the lottery. He congratulates her, and Soon Geum fearfully grabs his arm. But before she can say anything, Zar Lin notices that their “Do Not Disturb” sign is gone! They cautiously enter, and everything seems to be intact. Suddenly though, they hear someone in the bathroom. They wonder if it’s the maid, but the door opens – and it’s Hyun Joo! Hyun Joo is pissed – so did they have fun hanging out without her? The maids are unable to answer, more out of fear for their money than anything else. She targets Soon Geum, expressing her disappointment in her. The rest of the maids quickly go over to their money’s respective hiding places, not-too-subtly protecting their money. Hyun Joo turns on Soo Jung – why is this big mouth being so quiet all of a sudden? And what is she protecting?! She pushes Soo Jung aside and opens the TV cabinet. There’s nothing. Soo Jung faints. Da Kyum opens the drawers – there’s nothing! She faints.

Zar Lin checks under the bed – there’s nothing too! She faints.

Hyun Joo screams – WHY IS EVERYONE FAINTING?!?!?!

Soon Geum: “It’s all over.” And she faints too.


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