Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Romance Town Episode 2

We get a good look of all the security cameras in place around the houses, both outside and inside. It turns out Soo Jung is a maid for an empty house, and it’s at her room that everyone gathers to play go-stop and watch the lottery (they all lost again, by the way). Her masters are away in America, and the reason why all the cameras are turned on in her house is that the masters want to make sure she is not taking anything.
They begin to wonder where Hyun Joo is, and Da Kyum notes that lately Hyun Joo acts like “a dog in heat.” Soo Jung starts yelling at her for being so insolent and rude… but Da Kyum is right.
Hyun Joo is back at home, and with his wives away, Jang Chi Gook sneaks downstairs to her room for some tomfoolery. Aha! Now we know exactly with whom he sleeps at night!
When Soon Geum had first started, she had noticed Choon Jak visiting the mailbox outside every day, just waiting for Gun Woo’s letters. Soon Geum finally approached her, and she immediately felt guilty when she realized that she had replaced Choon Jak. However, Choon Jak was OK with it – Soon Geum can repay her by replying to Gun Woo’s letters for her, and never let him know that she had left the house. She also tells Soon Geum that the baby is really Tae Won’s, not Gun Woo’s.
At first, Soon Geum was uncomfortable with lying about it, but she finally gave in after Gun Woo’s numerous letters, begging for some sort of correspondence. He is happy to finally receive her letter and Soon Geum finds particular comfort in responding to him. She sends him Choon Jak’s gochujang (spicy sauce), and he sends her a headband in return. It’s finally three years later – and my heart stops at the sight of Gun Woo returning from America – and he makes a call to the home. No one picks up. He wanders around the neighborhood (where he sort of bumps into Soon Geum buying the lotto ticket at the quick mart, but doesn’t see her), and purchases a phone. Gun Woo makes a call home with his new phone and this time Soon Geum picks up. He asks for Choon Jak, saying that the call is from New York, but Soon Geum hears a Korean loudspeaker in the background. He is back! She stutters a lie that Choon Jak will be home soon, and they hang up. Soon Geum freaks out – what to do when he finds out Choon Jak’s no longer there?! She runs out of the house wearing red heels, and trips and falls, splaying out on the ground. That is exactly how Gun Woo finds her – on the floor, her heel broken.
He introduces himself as Gun Woo, and that stops her in her tracks. He’s the last person she wants to see right now!! He smoothly slides his foot underneath as her bare foot comes down to the ground.
She sits outside a shoe repair shop, and Gun Woo brings out the fixed shoe. She’s still shell-shocked, and asks if he’s really Gun Woo. He promises to call her, clearly not forgetting their exchange from three years ago.
Gun Woo enters the house excitedly, calling for Grandma Choon Jak. There’s no reply, so he goes up to her room. Or, what was her room; the furnishings have been completely changed. He yells angrily inside the house, “Grandma!!” and Soon Geum freaks out from listening outside the door. She decides to go hide in the dog house for now, which Young Hee sees.
Young Hee comes up to her and asks what she’s doing in there. She tries to shoo him away, but he says, “Should I come in there too?”
Gun Woo comes up to him, “What the hell is going on, Hyung?” He opens his arms to hug him, but Gun Woo grabs him by the collar. The dog starts barking, and Gun Woo finally spots Soon Geum in the doghouse. He’s surprised, but he’s starting to understand…
Tae Won and Yoon Joo arrive home just in time, and both are amazed to see Gun Woo looking so slim. They also were expecting him tomorrow. Yoon Joo notices Soon Geum in the doghouse, so Gun Woo tells her to come out. While everyone else goes inside, Gun Woo stares angrily at Soon Geum. The two of them have too much history.
After dinner, Gun Woo asks his father and stepmother what happened to Choon Jak. Yoon Joo quickly says that Choon Jak left of her own accord after he left. Gun Woo asks if he can bring Choon Jak back then, and she flippantly tells him to do whatever he wants.
He goes to Soon Geum’s room to get the whole story. He wants her to start from the beginning, and she tells him that since she needed the money and had no place to stay, she accepted Yoon Joo’s offer to work at his home. Out in the living room, he tosses out her bag. He’s firing her from this moment, since he’s bringing Choon Jak back home.
Soon Geum goes to Soo Jung’s room, where everyone is assembled for the lottery. She gives her vest to Zar Lin for them to take out the lottery ticket themselves. Though she tells them it’s in the right pocket, they pick out the one in the left pocket. They didn’t win, and that’s when they finally pay enough attention to Soon Geum to find out that she’s been fired by Gun Woo.
Soon Geum heads out to find a new job. As she takes a lunch break eating jajangmyun, she rifles through the newspaper for a job. One of the headlines reads that this winner of the lottery will get the most yet, 14.2 billion Won. Though she doesn’t believe it, she takes out the lottery ticket from her pocket, just to see.
The numbers match.
Soon Geum rushes off to her mother’s grave, plopping herself over the mound as if hugging it. She thanks her mother profusely, having bought the second ticket for her mother. She even proclaims she loves her father, and thanks the world and the other mounds next to her mother’s grave.
The person witnessing her seemingly lunatic ways is Young Hee.

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