Friday, November 18, 2011

A Song Of Corruption In Washington - How Crony Capitalism Really Works

Here's an interview by Glenn Beck with my friend Peter Schweizer on his hot new book, Throw Them All Out, a brilliant expose of how the Obama Administration raped the American Treasury out of billions to reward Obama campaign donors and bundlers via 'green energy' scams. Like Solyndra, and Robert Kennedy Jr.'s Brightsource

The book also details how corrupt congress members use their knowledge of pending legislation to do insider stock trading that would be illegal for private individuals, and use their influential positions on various committees to milk campaign contributions and get access to the inside track on Initial Public offerings ( IPO's ) of hot stocks worth millions not accessable to the general public or even many stockbrokers.

Ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a good case in point. Others include Senator Diane Feinstein ( D-CA), our old pal Senator John Kerry ( D-MA), and of course Rep. Charlie Rangel.

Nor is it just Democrats, although they're by far the most prominent, especially since President Obama took over. At Schweizer relates above, an influential GOP Congressman who was ranking member of a key committee during the 2008 financial crisis was actually using sensitive information to short specific stocks - in essence, he had a financial interest in the US economy declining.

This sort of obscene plundering of the taxpayers is business as usual in Washington, and those whom realize it sometimes form an interesting political former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Left leaning WAPO columnist Dana Milbank, both of whom have items up on the subject you should take the time to read.

If the OWS crowd had the brains G-d gave a goat, they wouldn't be occupying Wall Street - they'd be occupying Congress, and stalking President Obama at his fundraisers.

(hat tip to longtime Joshua's Army member Louie Louie for the video)

please helps me write more gooder!

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