My hubby's improv group Super Project Lab has a new show for just two weeks more (Saturdays at 8pm) at the Winningstad. It's called "Dear ___" and in this format the players incorporate the audience's letters, email, postcards and correspondence into the show. Plus if you bring a letter in, you can get 2 for one tickets. Another bonus - a portion of this run's proceeds benefit the awesome program Write Around Portland.
This month's Hip Hop Cabaret at the IFCC celebrates women's contributions to hip hop. Seems like a great way to honor Women's History Month and International Women's Day. Sunday March 8 at 7pm.
The annual Clowns Without Borders benefit show is coming up Friday, March 20th at 7:30pm at the Da Vinci Middle School Theater, 2508 NE Everett, Portland. "The best of new vaudeville and modern circus to fund two Portland-led Clowns Without Borders projects in Haiti." CWB is just amazing and this annual showcase is always a lot of fun. Bring the whole fam!
Da Vinci: The Genius is a much-lauded traveling exhibit currently on display at OMSI. The exhibit explores everything you ever wanted to know about Leonardo. An intriguing display is the "Secrets of Mona Lisa Gallery" in which French engineer/photographer invented a 240 million pixel camera to photograph the Mona Lisa Gallery. I don't really get it, but it's peaked my interest. No if I could only track down some comp tix...