I am very fond of Chiho Makino's tenderly sad pastel artworks, and have posted some of them in various Safaris. The mysterious charm of her surreal atmospheres often reminds me of Michael Sowa's works, which I haven't posted here only because I assume that everyone already knows them (please correct me if it isn't so!) Chiho was born in 1965 and graduated in Art and Design at Kyoto Seita University. She specializes in editorial illustrations for books and magazines, and since 1990 has exhibited her artworks in art galleries around Japan. Here are some of the lovely book covers recently uploaded by Chiho on her website.

The Icarus Girl by Helen Oyeiemi

You are not a stranger here by Adam Aslett

Knowledge tide (?) by Motohiko Izawa

Why I received counseling by Chizuru Azuma
Birthday by Hiroshi Hagiwara
The End of Mr.Y by Scarlett Thomas
Evil cat, horror stories collection
Dragon Palace by Hiromi Kawakami
Margery by Seisyu Hase? by Kounosu Sueko Yuu
Seasons of the dull color by Harada Bunshun
A note of caution: I used Google translator for the titles, and they surely contain some inaccuracies.
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