I think the powers that be might want to send the First Lady on another deluxe,tax payer funded vacay so stuff like this doesn't surface.
Here's what she had to say at a private fundraiser in Tampa, clearly indicating that a Republican president would appoint Supreme Court justices that would curtail First Amendment rights:
Let’s not forget about what it meant when my husband appointed those two brilliant Supreme Court justices — (applause) — and for the first time in history, our daughters — and our sons — watched three women take their seats on our nation’s highest court. (Applause.) But more importantly, let’s not forget the impact those decisions will have on our lives for decades to come — on our privacy and security, on whether we can speak freely, worship openly, and love whomever we choose. That is what’s at stake here. (Applause.)
And of course, the Race Card was not-so-subtly in appearance:
Will we be a country where opportunity is limited to just the few at the top? Who are we? Or will we give every child a chance to succeed no matter where they’re from, or what they look like or how their money parents are — have. Who are we?
We've never had a president or a First Lady before who have so blatantly tried to set America's people against each other in this fashion for their own tawdry political gain.
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