As Rick Santorum surged to become the Republican party frontrunner, I predicted that the Left and their media lackeys were going to frame him as a religious extremist nutcase. And that they'd have plenty of help from a great many things the Senator has said over the years.
The problem is not so much the demonization - that would be expected towards anyone running against our Dear Leader in 2012 - but the way it's been handled by Santorum and his campaign. And the fact that he actually is an outspoken social conservative who favors big government solutions to the issues.
Instead of saying something along the lines of 'this president wants to make this campaign about religious faith and contraception to deflect the American people from looking at his abysmal record and his mismanagement of the economy', Senator Santorum jumps in and questions the president's Christian values, calling the president’s environmental extremism representative of a “phony theology”....instead of hammering him on Solyndra and the green energy scams involving millions of taxpayer dollars doled out to deserving campaign contributors. Or going into a few details on what the president's war on coal and oil companies has done to the price of food, gas and commodities for the average American.
Even worse, after getting nailed by the media frenzy, he walked it back, saying he 'of course' wasn't really questioning Barack Obama's Christian values. After which the regime's media lackeys unearthered past video snippets of the senator doing exactly that!
Assuming he felt he had to mention theology at all, just imagine if instead of backing off he'd doubled down like this:
"I actually do question the president's values. No one who sat in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's church for two decades and listened to the bile featured there could possibly call himself a Christian, in my view. Nor would a Christian vote to deny medical care to living infants who survived an abortion, a position more extreme than even NARAL's. Or hold a luxurious Superbowl party while women, children and old people were freezing to death in Kentucky and FEMA dragged its feet for weeks .
I don't know what President Obama's religious views are, and it has no bearing on the issues of this campaign. But in my opinion, he does not reflect Christian values as I've understood them since childhood."
Of course, Rick Santorum did nothing of the kind - which is exactly why he's likely headed for defeat in the general election against the president.
Senator Santorum is a decent, likeable man with very little executive experience and apparently no real understanding of what its going to take to defeat President Obama in November. Even worse, he's essentially a big government conservative who insists on making a crusade out of cultural, religious and social issues.
'Satan has his eyes on America'? The definition of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is 'to do the morally right thing'? How religious do you have to be to board this train, and who judges?
And the fact that Senator Santorum is correct in much of what he had to say doesn't matter one bit. Moderates and even small government conservatives are going to jump off the train in droves if Rick Santorum is the nominee.
Rush Limbaugh, astute observer that he is instantly realized how bad it's going to be to try to defeat President Obama on religious values rather than his abysmal performance in the Oval Office.
Nor has Mitt Romney been doing much better of late. While he would probably do better against the president in the general, he also seems to lack the fire to take this president on in the way he's going to have to if he wants win. And he has noticeably failed to excite the base.
Again, it seems to me that the GOP movers and shakers have decided to forfeit this election, at least as far as the presidential race is concerned. They're probably figuring on the economy collapsing somewhere during Obama's second term and picking up the pieces in 2016.
Except there are a few points they're leaving out of their calculation.
First, the down ticket effect of a GOP loss means that at best, control of Congress is going to remain split between the two parties. At worst, it could mean a Democrat takeover of both Houses.
That means ObamaCare isn't going to be repealed and that President Obama will have four more years to incorporate his radical agenda. This country will be unrecognizable by 2016, and the fiscal nightmare we're facing might not even be repairable by 2016 no matter who gets into the Oval Office. You can also count on President Obama to continue to gut our military and to worsen the foreign policy blunders that even now are starting to become evident.
Second, the next president is going to be able to pick two new Supreme Court Justices at least, and looking at whom the president's choices have been thus far you can just imagine what he's going to pack the Court with. The ramifications will go on for decades.
And third, if the GOP establishment figures things are going to fall nicely into their laps in 2016, they're going to be in for a rude awakening. 2012 might be the last time the American people are going to trust them with governing.
The election of 2012 was an election the Republicans should have been able to win handily.If they fail to unseat President Obama I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see them go the way of the Whigs, as a new party forms to try and restore our Republic and takes in a lot of the old Reagan coalition, including a lot of the GOP's rising stars .
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