Monday, October 31, 2011
WWE Chris Jericho Profile
Wrestler: Chris JerichoReal Name: Christopher Keith IrvineBirthday: November 9, 1970Hometown: Born in Manhasset, New YorkRaised in St. James, WinnipegNow resides in Odessa, FloridaMarital Status: Married to Jessica LeeSon: Ash Edward IrvineHeight: 6' - 231 lbsDebut: October 2, 1990Chris Irvine was born on November 9, 1970 in Manhasset, New York. He was raised in
Kepedulian Seorang Ibnu
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Paket buku yang saya nanti-nanti |
Beberapa kali dikecewakan olah jasa PT. Pos Indonesia membuat saya tidak begitu respek dengan perusahaan ini. Baru-baru ini saya menunggu paket dari sebuah penerbitan di Demak, yang satunya dikirim ke Bontang – ke alamat adik saya, yang satunya lagi ke rumah saya. Yang ke Bontang tiba dengan selamat selang empat hari kemudian. Yang ke Makassar, hingga satu minggu lebih belum juga tiba.
Hendak ke kantor pos besar kejauhan untuk pergi sendiri. Suami saya sedang berada di luar kota. Seandainya ia ada, bisa saya mintai tolong untuk mengecekkan paket itu. Saya lalu browsing web site resmi PT. POS, di situ ada form pengaduan, “Mudah-mudahan bisa melalui dunia maya, lalu diproses di kantor pos Makassar sehingga saya tak perlu ke kantor pos besar,” harap saya dalam hati.
Saya pun mengisi form dan submit. Dua hari kemudian (tanggal 26 Oktober 2011) , datang balasan e-mail dari PT. Pos Indonesia, menyatakan:
Selamat siang, semoga kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan selalu menyertai Anda dan keluarga. Menanggapi pertanyaan melalui Web Pos Indonesia On Line, mengenai kiriman 11951461036.
Mohon maaf atas ketidaknyamanannya, kami akan menyampaikan kepada bagian terkait untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut. Setelah mendapat informasi lanjut, kami akan mengabarkannya kepada anda :)
Demikian Informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan. Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa Pos Indonesia.
Saya melakukan gerakan dua jalur untuk memperjuangkan ‘hak’ saya. Selain via form ‘keluhan pelanggan’ di web site PT.Pos, saya juga meminta nomor HP seorang pegawai pos yang baik hati dari seorang kawan (bu Harlis Setyowati). Kawan saya ini pernah memuji tentang kinerja seorang pegawai PT. Pos melalui tulisan di note FB-nya. Berawal dari pengantaran barang oleh pegawai bernama pak Ibnu yang cepat tibanya, kawan saya meminta nomor HP pak Ibnu in case sesuatu terjadi besok-besok hari dan ia membutuhkan bantuan pak Ibnu.
Beberapa lama kemudian, kawan saya ini mendapatkan masalah, paket yang dinantinya hingga dua minggu tak kunjung datang. Setelah mengecek di web site dan si pengirim barang, ia pun menghubungi pak Ibnu. Pak Ibnu dengan sigap membantu mengecekkan jejak si paket. Paket ini rupanya nyasar ke kantor pos lain tetapi pak Ibnu berjanji untuk membantu menguruskannya hingga sampai ke tangan kawan saya. Begitulah .. singkat cerita, berkat pak Ibnu, paket itu akhirnya tiba juga di rumah kawan saya tiga minggu setelah pengiriman.
Kawan saya sangat terkesan dengan kesigapan dan perhatian darii pak Ibnu ini. Pak Ibnu bahkan mengirimkan SMS meminta maaf atas ketidaknyamanan kawan saya terkait pelayanan PT. Pos dan meminta kawan saya tak kapok menggunakan jasa PT. Pos. Di bagian akhir tulisannya, kawan saya menulis:
Aku sungguh terharu. Terus terang, siapalah mas Ibnu ini. Hanya pengantar paket dan surat. Tapi kesediaannya membantu sungguh kuhargai. Dia berempati atas kejadian yang menimpaku, dan membantu dengan segala upaya yang dia bisa lakukan. Caranya menyelesaikan masalah hampir sama seperti layaknya dia seorang manajer teladan yang mendapat komplain dari pelanggan. Mas Ibnu ini bisa saja mengacuhkan,toh aku bisa melacak kiriman dari web yang tiap hari on line. Tapi,sungguh karyawan seperti mas Ibnu ini patut diteladani. Siapalah dia, yang meminta maaf atas nama perusahaan tempatnya bekerja.Kemudian sekaligus mempromosikannya dan berharap tak kapok menggunakan jasa perusahaannya kembali. Patutlah ia menjadi karyawan yang diteladani.
Masih adakah orang-orang seperti mas Ibnu ini di sekitar kita,teman?
Mengingat apresiasi kawan saya terhadap pak Ibnu, saya pun mencoba menghubungi pak Ibnu, mengharap belas kasihnya untuk membantu saya. Hari Juma’at itu kira-kira ada sepuluh kali miss call dari nomor saya ke nomor pak Ibnu. Dengan gigihnya, saya mencoba terus hingga lepas waktu shalat Jum’at dan alhamdulillah ... akhirnya ada balasan berupa permintaan menelepon dari nomor yang bersangkutan.
“Wa ‘alaikum salam,” suara seorang perempuan menjawab salam saya. Lho perempuan?
“Maaf, Bu, apa benar ini nomor pak Ibnu, pegawai Pos?” tanya saya sopan.
“Iya betul, dia lupa membawa HP-nya Bu. Ada apa? Nanti saya sampaikan kepadanya,” balas perempuan itu tak kalah sopannya.
“Oh, nanti Saya SMS ya Bu, ada yang ingin saya minta tolong dari pak Ibnu,” jawab saya. Saya pun menutup perbincangan singkat itu dengan salam dan segera mengetikkan SMS mengenai permasalahan saya. Tak lupa saya tuliskan nomor resi dari paket saya.
Sore harinya, ada permintaan menelepon dari nomor yang sama. Saya pun menelepon balik.
“Wa ‘alaikum salam, saya Ibnu,” suara seorang lelaki memperkenalkan diri. Wah, rupanya istrinya yang baik hati itu sudah menceritakan tentang saya kepadanya.
“Apa yang bisa saya bantukan ki’?” maksudnya, ia bertanya apa yang bisa ia bantu.
Saya menceritakan kembali permasalahan saya dengan paket yang tak kunjung tiba itu.
“Sebenarnya daerah rumah Ibu bukan wilayah tugas Saya. Tapi nda apa-apa ji, nanti saya antarkan,” tawar pak Ibnu. Wow .. betul kata kawan saya, pegawai Pos ini memang sangat perhatian.
Saya menjadi tidak enak hati. Awalnya saya berpikir pak Ibnu ini bagian ‘keluhan pelanggan’ di kantor Pos besar, tetapi dari tanggapannya sepertinya ia petugas pengantar pos wilayah Antang/sekitarnya (daerah tempat tinggal kawan saya) yang letaknya lumayan jauh dari rumah saya.
“Kalau bukan wilayah ta’, Pak jangan mi kita’ yang antar ki. Tolong maki’ cekkan saja paketku dan tolong sampaikan ke petugas pengantarnya supaya diantarkan kembali. Tolong sampaikan, rumah Saya dekat sekali dengan masjid Bani Haji Adam Taba’. Kalau petugas yang lama, biarpun tidak lengkap ki alamat rumahku – malah pernah tidak ditulis sama sekali, kirimanku selalu ji tiba di rumah. Barangkali diganti mi petugasnya di’?” (saya mengharap ia mengecekkan saja nasib paket saya, tak perlu mengantarkan ke rumah kalau daerah rumah saya bukan wilayah kerjanya).
“Iya Bu, nanti Saya kabari ki’. Iya, memang banyak penggantian pegawai pengantar pos”
Percakapan kami pun putus.
Keesokan harinya, lepas duhur pak Ibnu menelepon dari nomor CDMA ke nomor GSM saya. Wow, ia rela memakai pulsa CDMA-nya sendiri untuk menghubungi nomor saya? Tarifnya kan jadi lebih mahal dibanding jika ia menghubungi dari nomor GSM-nya yang se-operator dengan nomor GSM saya?
Ia menanyakan dengan detil letak rumah saya. Kelihatannya ia cukup kenal daerah rumah saya karena ia cepat paham dengan gambaran yang saya berikan.
“Sebentar pi Saya antarkan paket ta’, Bu.”
Wah, baik benar si bapak ini. Ia sendiri yang akan mengantarkan ke rumah paket itu.
“Terimakasih, Pak,” sambut saya sukacita.
Sore harinya masuk SMS dari pak Ibnu: ‘Mohon maaf Bu. Barang ibu ada di mobil paket dan sampai sekarang mobilnya belum tiba. Hari Senin baru bisa saya antarkan ki’ ... ‘
Saya semakin terharu akan kepedulian pak Ibnu. “Tidak apa-apa, Pak. Terimakasih,” jawab saya.
Hari Senin, menjelang ashar pak Ibnu menelepon lagi, memperjelas letak rumah. Dengan cepat ia tiba di depan rumah kami. Saya dan suami (suami saya sudah pulang dari luar kota) – kami menemuinya, menandatangani tanda terima dan berbincang sejenak. Saya memberikan beberapa buah mangga manalagi – kiriman ibu mertua dari Pare Pare kepadanya dan berkata, “Untuk istrinya, Pak.” Pak Ibnu tersenyum dan mengucapkan terimakasih. Saya mengucapkan sekali lagi ucapan, “Terimakasih,” sebelum ia berlalu.
Saya memperhatikan tulisan yang tertera pada paket dengan seksama. Tidak ada kesalahan. Alamat yang tertera sudah tepat. Nomor HP saya yang tertera di situ pun sudah tepat. Tapi sudahlah yang penting paket itu sudah tiba di tangan saya.
Tak terhingga sebenarnya rasa terimakasih saya kepada pak Ibnu, sosok pegawai yang sangat peduli masalah saya. Tak mungkin bisa dibayar dengan beberapa buah mangga yang saya berikan itu. Ia dengan ringan tangan membantu mengantarkan paket ke rumah saya yang sebenarnya bukan wilayah kerjanya. Ia bisa saja bersikap tak peduli dan sok sibuk, tetapi itu tak dilakukannya. Untuk sosok seperti ini, hanya Allah-lah yang bisa membalasnya dengan kebaikan yang berlipat. Dan akhirnya, saya ingin mengulang kata-kata kawan saya di bagian akhir tulisannya : “Masih adakah orang-orang seperti mas Ibnu ini di sekitar kita,teman?”
Makassar, 1 November 2011
Special thanks to:
Mak Harlis Setyowati (utk pemberian nomor HP pak Ibnu, sehingga saya mengenal pak Ibnu kemudian menuliskannya di blog saya).
Maknya Dhia Nisa (mak Haziah), untuk kesediaannya menowelkan si mak Harlis yang jarang onlen.
Baca juga tulisan saya:
U.S. cuts off aid to UNESCO Over Admission Of 'Palestine'
The United States has cut off $180 million in aid to UN group UNESCO after the group voted to accept 'Palestine' for membership, 107-14. This triggered existing law that prohibit American support of U.N. agencies that accept 'Palestine' as a member before negotiations between Israel and 'Palestine' are completed between the parties as called for by the Road Map, a treaty that the UN is signatory to but has apparently chosen to ignore.Australia, Canada, Germany and Holland voted against Palestinian membership along with the US. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and France voted in favor. Britain and Italy abstained.
The Obama administration had no choice but to go along with the defunding, since support for the law is strongly bi-partisan, led by Reps. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Democrats’ campaign committee, Tom Cole, a former chairman of the House Republicans’ campaign committee, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)who was instrumental in drafting the legislation.
UNESCO, like a number of other UN organizations has a long and disgraceful history of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias. Any self -respecting nation with a sincere belief in the UN's purported mission should have yanked UNESCO funding a long time ago. And frankly, that's true of almost everything connected with the UN.
The member nations of UNESCO were fully aware of the US law concerned, knew it was wrong and did this anyway. There's always a price tag attached to such actions.
U.S. cuts off aid to UNESCO Over Admission Of 'Palestine'
The United States has cut off $180 million in aid to UN group UNESCO after the group voted to accept 'Palestine' for membership, 107-14. This triggered existing law that prohibit American support of U.N. agencies that accept 'Palestine' as a member before negotiations between Israel and 'Palestine' are completed between the parties as called for by the Road Map, a treaty that the UN is signatory to but has apparently chosen to ignore.Australia, Canada, Germany and Holland voted against Palestinian membership along with the US. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa and France voted in favor. Britain and Italy abstained.
The Obama administration had no choice but to go along with the defunding, since support for the law is strongly bi-partisan, led by Reps. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the chairman of the House Democrats’ campaign committee, Tom Cole, a former chairman of the House Republicans’ campaign committee, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen(R-FL)who was instrumental in drafting the legislation.
UNESCO, like a number of other UN organizations has a long and disgraceful history of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias. Any self -respecting nation with a sincere belief in the UN's purported mission should have yanked UNESCO funding a long time ago. And frankly, that's true of almost everything connected with the UN.
The member nations of UNESCO were fully aware of the US law concerned, knew it was wrong and did this anyway. There's always a price tag attached to such actions.
Sick Tattoo Designs
Sick Tattoo DesignsAfter writing over two dozen hubs on tattoo ideas that showcased pictures as the majority of the content, I started noticing that a large portion of the comments were from people asking for ideas on what to say, not so much on how to say it. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Find Tattoo Designs
Find Tattoo DesignsTo apply tattoos on the skin, the tattoo artist needs both a good clear reference of the actual design, and well drawn stencils (line drawings) as the "blueprint" for the actual tattoo. To the right, you can see several samples of both tattoo designs and their corresponding stencils. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Tattoos Names Design
Tattoos Names DesignTypically when people start thinking about getting a name tattoo it is because they want to honor a significant person in their life in some way. This is understandable and even honorable. Name tattoos can be a wonderful tattoo design that you will end up enjoying and be proud of for years to come. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Soccer Dad's Mideast Media Sampler 10/31/11

Today's sampler and analysis of Mideast media content from my pal Soccer Dad:
Today the New York Times reports After Attacks, Efforts to Restore Truce Between Israel and Groups in Gaza. "Groups?" How descriptive is that? Is the New York Times incapable of using the word "terrorists?"
The report includes the boilerplate:
Hamas has largely maintained the fragile cease-fire that went into effect after Israel ended its three-week military offensive in Gaza in early 2009. The smaller factions in Gaza are less committed, but are under pressure from Hamas to comply.Earlier we learn:
The Israeli military fired on what it said was a terrorist squad in southern Gaza preparing to fire rockets at Israel on Sunday afternoon. Gaza security officials said one Palestinian militant was killed and another was seriously wounded. Both, it said, were members of the armed wing of the leftist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.Notice the qualification of the Israeli claim, "what it said." But Gaza security officials essentially confirm the Israeli account with "armed wing." The care the reporters take to make sure that Israeli statements are properly qualified but will throw in the "Hamas mostly keeping ceasefire" with no authority but their own.
PM Netanyahu for his part, insists that there is no ceasefire.
In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was not seeking an escalation, but emphasized that anyone trying to attack Israel was taking their life in their hands.Amir Mizroch argues that this is the correct approach:
“There is no cease-fire,” Mr. Netanyahu said Sunday, adding that the military “protects the residents of the south and wipes out the rocket launchers.”
“I promise that the other side will pay an even heavier price than it has up to now, until it stops firing,” he warned.
In the past few days, Israeli defense officials have been speaking in terms of cost: yes, it’s heartbreaking that an Israeli was killed, but the Islamic Jihad paid a heavy price, with 10 of its militants killed, said Ehud Barak. “They’re paying a much heavier price in Gaza,” says his deputy Matan Vilnai. Israel seems to need to change the equation regarding rocket violence: every rocket fired by a Palestinian group at Israel will cost them severely in terms of blood and damaged infrastructure. It’s not enough to chase rocket squads all day and all night [although this should obviously still be done]. Deterrence must be restored, and this can’t be done with defense, which costs a lot more than offense. In a climate of serious defense budget cuts, expect the IDF to drop heavier bombs, and drop some heavier terror chiefs. Also, all talk of a major ground offensive to take down Hamas in Gaza is now passe.2) Turning himself in?
The Qaddafi family is apparently thinking of suing NATO. At the same time "part scholar, part monk, part model, part policy wonk" and international fugitive Saif al-Islam Qaddafi has apparently contacted the International Criminal Court about turning himself in.
“Through intermediaries, we have informal contact with Seif,” Mr. Moreno-Ocampo said.Though he maintains his innocence, if Saif turns himself in, it should make that lawsuit a lot more difficult to succeed.
“He said he is innocent and he will prove to the judges he is innocent,” he said in a brief interview with Reuters. “And then he is more concerned about what will happen after, if he is considered innocent by the court.”
“We are making no deal, though we have a case against him,” Mr. Moreno-Ocampo added. “But we are explaining the legal system and his right to defend himself.”
3) Liberals or leftists?
In Tunisia Liberals See a Vote for Change, Not Religion David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports:
Perhaps the most significant surprise for liberal forces here and around the region was the abrupt collapse of the party that until recently had been their standard-bearer and Ennahda’s principal rival, the Progressive Democratic Party, or P.D.P. While Ennahda had emphasized its commitment to Western-style individual rights and pledged to collaborate with secularists, the P.D.P. had concluded its campaign with blistering accusations that Ennahda was manipulating voters into supporting a hidden theocratic agenda.But as Barry Rubin points out, Kirkpatrick is confusing leftists with liberals:
The attacks apparently angered voters, because the two liberal parties that succeeded had chosen to say only nice things about Ennahda. The Congress for the Republic and the ideologically similar Democratic Forum for Labor and Liberties, known here by the Arabic shorthand Ettakatol, are now in talks to form a unity government.
Who will they have to work with in the mean time? The Congress for the Republic (CPR) won 30 seats and the Ettakatol won 21 seats. (I cannot resist the temptation to remark that when the Islamists are through with it, Tunisia will definitely need CPR!) These are leftist parties and Ennahda’s coalition partners.This CNN report confirms this distinction:
What does this tell us? On social issues, the Islamists will have to be careful but they can find more common ground with the leftists on economic and foreign policy issues. By building the power of the state and weakening the business sector—which the leftists want—Ennahda lays the basis for its future domination of the society through controlling a strong state.
On foreign policy, the left shares the Islamists’ desire to take a tougher line toward the West and against Israel. In the shorter run, they will not want to antagonize Europe or the United States. But this lays a foundation for a longer-term turn of public opinion against the West and toward other Islamist states. As we saw in Turkey, a stealth Islamist government can turn around public opinion with surprising speed using patriotism and religious fervor.
Some Tunisians -- mainly among the better off urban middle-class -- don't believe Ennahda's professed moderation. A series of videos released online ahead of the election (and paid for by wealthy business interests) imagines a Tunisia without tourists, where women are made to wear the veil and are scared out of the workplace, should Islamists take power. Some point to Iran's first post-revolutionary elections back in 1980 and Ayatollah Khomenei's promise that in the Islamic Republic the Majlis would not be a rubber-stamp parliament.The "wealthy business interests" was unnecessary, but it shows that those most likely to help the Tunisian economy - real liberals - remain suspicious of the Islamists.
Soccer Dad's Mideast Media Sampler 10/31/11

Today's sampler and analysis of Mideast media content from my pal Soccer Dad:
Today the New York Times reports After Attacks, Efforts to Restore Truce Between Israel and Groups in Gaza. "Groups?" How descriptive is that? Is the New York Times incapable of using the word "terrorists?"
The report includes the boilerplate:
Hamas has largely maintained the fragile cease-fire that went into effect after Israel ended its three-week military offensive in Gaza in early 2009. The smaller factions in Gaza are less committed, but are under pressure from Hamas to comply.Earlier we learn:
The Israeli military fired on what it said was a terrorist squad in southern Gaza preparing to fire rockets at Israel on Sunday afternoon. Gaza security officials said one Palestinian militant was killed and another was seriously wounded. Both, it said, were members of the armed wing of the leftist Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.Notice the qualification of the Israeli claim, "what it said." But Gaza security officials essentially confirm the Israeli account with "armed wing." The care the reporters take to make sure that Israeli statements are properly qualified but will throw in the "Hamas mostly keeping ceasefire" with no authority but their own.
PM Netanyahu for his part, insists that there is no ceasefire.
In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was not seeking an escalation, but emphasized that anyone trying to attack Israel was taking their life in their hands.Amir Mizroch argues that this is the correct approach:
“There is no cease-fire,” Mr. Netanyahu said Sunday, adding that the military “protects the residents of the south and wipes out the rocket launchers.”
“I promise that the other side will pay an even heavier price than it has up to now, until it stops firing,” he warned.
In the past few days, Israeli defense officials have been speaking in terms of cost: yes, it’s heartbreaking that an Israeli was killed, but the Islamic Jihad paid a heavy price, with 10 of its militants killed, said Ehud Barak. “They’re paying a much heavier price in Gaza,” says his deputy Matan Vilnai. Israel seems to need to change the equation regarding rocket violence: every rocket fired by a Palestinian group at Israel will cost them severely in terms of blood and damaged infrastructure. It’s not enough to chase rocket squads all day and all night [although this should obviously still be done]. Deterrence must be restored, and this can’t be done with defense, which costs a lot more than offense. In a climate of serious defense budget cuts, expect the IDF to drop heavier bombs, and drop some heavier terror chiefs. Also, all talk of a major ground offensive to take down Hamas in Gaza is now passe.2) Turning himself in?
The Qaddafi family is apparently thinking of suing NATO. At the same time "part scholar, part monk, part model, part policy wonk" and international fugitive Saif al-Islam Qaddafi has apparently contacted the International Criminal Court about turning himself in.
“Through intermediaries, we have informal contact with Seif,” Mr. Moreno-Ocampo said.Though he maintains his innocence, if Saif turns himself in, it should make that lawsuit a lot more difficult to succeed.
“He said he is innocent and he will prove to the judges he is innocent,” he said in a brief interview with Reuters. “And then he is more concerned about what will happen after, if he is considered innocent by the court.”
“We are making no deal, though we have a case against him,” Mr. Moreno-Ocampo added. “But we are explaining the legal system and his right to defend himself.”
3) Liberals or leftists?
In Tunisia Liberals See a Vote for Change, Not Religion David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports:
Perhaps the most significant surprise for liberal forces here and around the region was the abrupt collapse of the party that until recently had been their standard-bearer and Ennahda’s principal rival, the Progressive Democratic Party, or P.D.P. While Ennahda had emphasized its commitment to Western-style individual rights and pledged to collaborate with secularists, the P.D.P. had concluded its campaign with blistering accusations that Ennahda was manipulating voters into supporting a hidden theocratic agenda.But as Barry Rubin points out, Kirkpatrick is confusing leftists with liberals:
The attacks apparently angered voters, because the two liberal parties that succeeded had chosen to say only nice things about Ennahda. The Congress for the Republic and the ideologically similar Democratic Forum for Labor and Liberties, known here by the Arabic shorthand Ettakatol, are now in talks to form a unity government.
Who will they have to work with in the mean time? The Congress for the Republic (CPR) won 30 seats and the Ettakatol won 21 seats. (I cannot resist the temptation to remark that when the Islamists are through with it, Tunisia will definitely need CPR!) These are leftist parties and Ennahda’s coalition partners.This CNN report confirms this distinction:
What does this tell us? On social issues, the Islamists will have to be careful but they can find more common ground with the leftists on economic and foreign policy issues. By building the power of the state and weakening the business sector—which the leftists want—Ennahda lays the basis for its future domination of the society through controlling a strong state.
On foreign policy, the left shares the Islamists’ desire to take a tougher line toward the West and against Israel. In the shorter run, they will not want to antagonize Europe or the United States. But this lays a foundation for a longer-term turn of public opinion against the West and toward other Islamist states. As we saw in Turkey, a stealth Islamist government can turn around public opinion with surprising speed using patriotism and religious fervor.
Some Tunisians -- mainly among the better off urban middle-class -- don't believe Ennahda's professed moderation. A series of videos released online ahead of the election (and paid for by wealthy business interests) imagines a Tunisia without tourists, where women are made to wear the veil and are scared out of the workplace, should Islamists take power. Some point to Iran's first post-revolutionary elections back in 1980 and Ayatollah Khomenei's promise that in the Islamic Republic the Majlis would not be a rubber-stamp parliament.The "wealthy business interests" was unnecessary, but it shows that those most likely to help the Tunisian economy - real liberals - remain suspicious of the Islamists.
Tanganku Tak Sengaja
Mama mendengar suara rengekan Afyad yang sedang bermain bersama Athifah di ruang sebelah.
Tak lama kemudian mama bertanya kepada Athifah, "Adiknya kenapa menangis?"
Athifah menjawab, "Tidak Saya apa-apai ji," maksudnya ia tak melakukan apa-apa terhadap adiknya.
Selang beberapa detik kemudian Athifah membuat pengakuan baru, "Tadi saya pukul tangannya."
Mama bertanya, "Kenapa tangan Afyad dipukul?"
Athifah menjawab, "Habis .. dia nakal, dia ikut pegang-pegang plastisinku. Saya kan lagi main plastisin."
Terdiam sejenak, ia melanjutkan, "Tapi tangan tidak sengaja pukul ki," maksudnya tangan Athifah tak sengaja memukul Afyad.
Mama tersenyum dan buru-buru menukas, "Yah Nak, kalau memukul itu disengaja namanya, tidak ada orang memukul dengan tidak sengaja."
Tak lama kemudian mama bertanya kepada Athifah, "Adiknya kenapa menangis?"
Athifah menjawab, "Tidak Saya apa-apai ji," maksudnya ia tak melakukan apa-apa terhadap adiknya.
Selang beberapa detik kemudian Athifah membuat pengakuan baru, "Tadi saya pukul tangannya."
Mama bertanya, "Kenapa tangan Afyad dipukul?"
Athifah menjawab, "Habis .. dia nakal, dia ikut pegang-pegang plastisinku. Saya kan lagi main plastisin."
Terdiam sejenak, ia melanjutkan, "Tapi tangan tidak sengaja pukul ki," maksudnya tangan Athifah tak sengaja memukul Afyad.
Mama tersenyum dan buru-buru menukas, "Yah Nak, kalau memukul itu disengaja namanya, tidak ada orang memukul dengan tidak sengaja."
Makassar, 1 November 2011
Waduh ia mencoba berkelit ...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Lady Gaga Biography
Lady Gaga was born on 28 March 1986, Manhattan,New York City, New York, USA,After enrolling at New York University’s Tisch School of thr Arts in 2003 and later performing in the rock music scene of New York City’s Lower East Side, she signed with Streamline Records, an imprint of Interscope Records. During her early time at Interscope, she worked as a songwriter for fellow label artists and
arts school.,
lady gaga,
new york,
Angelina Jolie Biography
Angelina Jolie was born on 4 June 1975, Los Angeles, California, USA,she is an is an American actress. She has received an Academy Award, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and three Golden Globe Award and was named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress by Forbes in 2009 and 2011....
Saat mama dan Athifah sedang naik becak.
Ada mobil bertuliskan 'fire rescue' dari arah depan.
Athifah heran melihat model mobil yang unik itu. Ia bertanya, "Mobil apa itu, Mama?"
Mama menjawab, "Mobil pemadam kebakaran, Nak."
Athifah lalu berujar, "Ada kebakaran?"
Mama mengiyakan.
Lalu Athifah bertanya lagi, "Kenapa di rumah kita tidak ada kebakaran, Mama?"
Mama tersenyum dan berkata, "Bagus dong tidak ada kebakaran, Nak. Kalau ada kebakaran kasihan orang yang kena, tidak punya rumah lagi. Kalo sudah terbakar rumahnya, mau tinggal di mana?"
Athifah tersenyum. Kelihatannya ia maklum dengan penjelasan mama.
Ada mobil bertuliskan 'fire rescue' dari arah depan.
Athifah heran melihat model mobil yang unik itu. Ia bertanya, "Mobil apa itu, Mama?"
Mama menjawab, "Mobil pemadam kebakaran, Nak."
Athifah lalu berujar, "Ada kebakaran?"
Mama mengiyakan.
Lalu Athifah bertanya lagi, "Kenapa di rumah kita tidak ada kebakaran, Mama?"
Mama tersenyum dan berkata, "Bagus dong tidak ada kebakaran, Nak. Kalau ada kebakaran kasihan orang yang kena, tidak punya rumah lagi. Kalo sudah terbakar rumahnya, mau tinggal di mana?"
Athifah tersenyum. Kelihatannya ia maklum dengan penjelasan mama.
Makassar, 31 Oktober 2011
Wah ... betul-betul jenis pertanyaan 'trial and error'. Kalau trial-nya error, tidak ada masalah buat dia he he he
President Obama's Latest Horror - A Trillion Dollar Timebomb For America's Economy

President Obama has just enacted his latest raid on the American treasury. It's designed to benefit the president by pandering to the student vote at the expense of the American taxpayer.
President Obama has announced that he intends to issue an executive order for the federal government to reduce student loan payments to 10 % of a borrower's income above the poverty line, and for total debt forgiveness after 20 years, regardless of the outstanding balance.
"We're just going to do this by ourselves. We can't wait for Congress, we're just going to act," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan on CNN.
And of course, the president is putting this out there at universities all over the country.
To see how insidious this really is, let's take a look at how this works in the real world. Let's say Jane Jones borrows $150,000 to obtain a liberal arts undergraduate degree at your typical university. Her repayment is based on what she earns, if anything. Let's say Jane gets a job as a community organizer at $30,000 per year. Factor out the $10,800 for a single person under the federal poverty guidelines and her total annual repayment is $1,600 per year, or only $133.33 per month.
Twenty years later, she's only repaid $32,000 on her loan. And the balance? it doesn't 'dissolve' as the Obama Administration's rhetoric suggests. It gets picked up by the rest of us and gets added to the national debt.
Yes, fellow citizens. If some of the people the president and his minions feel are more deserving than you are want to go to academia for a 4-year funfest and pick up an overpriced diploma in ethnic or womyn's studies, you and your children are footing the bill.
The tenured radicals installed in the university system working to destroy America one mind at a time always had their six-figure lifestyles subsidized by the rest of us, but the bill just increased a hundred fold.
This is by no means small change. Americans currently owe over $1 trillion in college debt, and some 1.6 million have subsidized student loans, which Obama had the federal government take over in 2009.
Now that it's essentially going to be a free ride, that $1 trillion is going to look like pocket money.
College costs have increased nearly 600 percent since 1980, far ahead of inflation and price increases on cars, homes, and medical care. But for some strange reason, no one is suggesting cutting tuition, limiting tenure, creating alternative programs like apprenticeships, eliminating programs of dubious value or other steps that could make college more affordable. Instead, this president is inflating yet another bubble, since more money directed at the same commodity means schools can increase their prices, based on the 'bigger fool' theory that worked so well when it came to real estate. Remember how people bought homes at inflated prices they couldn't afford because they were always going to appreciate and they could always flip them for a profit in a few months? Remember how realtors always told people that now was the time to buy, before prices went up again?
President Obama is doing exactly the same thing here. He's deliberately setting another time bomb for the economy and creating another megabucks unfunded entitlement for the sole purpose of trying to slither back into office for another four years.When it explodes, he'll be long gone and away from the scene of the crime.
At least with real estate, the private sector was involved, or at least it was until the Obama Administration essentially took over the mortgage industry. Here, the debt bomb is already going to be absorbed via executive order without benefit of any congressional oversight, and it will increase to toxic levels as universities hyper-inflate their already obscene costs.
Ironically, the entire thing is a Ponzi scheme in reverse. The same students crying 'whoo hoo!' as they listen to President Hope n' Change haven't figured out that the small amount their loan payments are going to be lowered is going to be eclipsed by the increasing amount of taxes they'll have to pay to cover what the federal government eats in debt forgiveness, the increased cost of a college degree for their children, and the diminished employment opportunities as more and more economic activity is swallowed up by yet another unfunded federal mandate.
The idea of a sitting president deliberately doing something like this via executive order simply to benefit his own election prospects at the expense of the nation is something new here. But that's what we have.
Along with all the other episodes of this abysmally failed presidency, this latest horror makes it clear that not only does this president not deserve re-election, but that he was unworthy of his office to begin with.
As the ancient Greeks said, character is destiny.
President Obama's Latest Horror - A Trillion Dollar Timebomb For America's Economy

President Obama has just enacted his latest raid on the American treasury. It's designed to benefit the president by pandering to the student vote at the expense of the American taxpayer.
President Obama has announced that he intends to issue an executive order for the federal government to reduce student loan payments to 10 % of a borrower's income above the poverty line, and for total debt forgiveness after 20 years, regardless of the outstanding balance.
"We're just going to do this by ourselves. We can't wait for Congress, we're just going to act," said Education Secretary Arne Duncan on CNN.
And of course, the president is putting this out there at universities all over the country.
To see how insidious this really is, let's take a look at how this works in the real world. Let's say Jane Jones borrows $150,000 to obtain a liberal arts undergraduate degree at your typical university. Her repayment is based on what she earns, if anything. Let's say Jane gets a job as a community organizer at $30,000 per year. Factor out the $10,800 for a single person under the federal poverty guidelines and her total annual repayment is $1,600 per year, or only $133.33 per month.
Twenty years later, she's only repaid $32,000 on her loan. And the balance? it doesn't 'dissolve' as the Obama Administration's rhetoric suggests. It gets picked up by the rest of us and gets added to the national debt.
Yes, fellow citizens. If some of the people the president and his minions feel are more deserving than you are want to go to academia for a 4-year funfest and pick up an overpriced diploma in ethnic or womyn's studies, you and your children are footing the bill.
The tenured radicals installed in the university system working to destroy America one mind at a time always had their six-figure lifestyles subsidized by the rest of us, but the bill just increased a hundred fold.
This is by no means small change. Americans currently owe over $1 trillion in college debt, and some 1.6 million have subsidized student loans, which Obama had the federal government take over in 2009.
Now that it's essentially going to be a free ride, that $1 trillion is going to look like pocket money.
College costs have increased nearly 600 percent since 1980, far ahead of inflation and price increases on cars, homes, and medical care. But for some strange reason, no one is suggesting cutting tuition, limiting tenure, creating alternative programs like apprenticeships, eliminating programs of dubious value or other steps that could make college more affordable. Instead, this president is inflating yet another bubble, since more money directed at the same commodity means schools can increase their prices, based on the 'bigger fool' theory that worked so well when it came to real estate. Remember how people bought homes at inflated prices they couldn't afford because they were always going to appreciate and they could always flip them for a profit in a few months? Remember how realtors always told people that now was the time to buy, before prices went up again?
President Obama is doing exactly the same thing here. He's deliberately setting another time bomb for the economy and creating another megabucks unfunded entitlement for the sole purpose of trying to slither back into office for another four years.When it explodes, he'll be long gone and away from the scene of the crime.
At least with real estate, the private sector was involved, or at least it was until the Obama Administration essentially took over the mortgage industry. Here, the debt bomb is already going to be absorbed via executive order without benefit of any congressional oversight, and it will increase to toxic levels as universities hyper-inflate their already obscene costs.
Ironically, the entire thing is a Ponzi scheme in reverse. The same students crying 'whoo hoo!' as they listen to President Hope n' Change haven't figured out that the small amount their loan payments are going to be lowered is going to be eclipsed by the increasing amount of taxes they'll have to pay to cover what the federal government eats in debt forgiveness, the increased cost of a college degree for their children, and the diminished employment opportunities as more and more economic activity is swallowed up by yet another unfunded federal mandate.
The idea of a sitting president deliberately doing something like this via executive order simply to benefit his own election prospects at the expense of the nation is something new here. But that's what we have.
Along with all the other episodes of this abysmally failed presidency, this latest horror makes it clear that not only does this president not deserve re-election, but that he was unworthy of his office to begin with.
As the ancient Greeks said, character is destiny.
Jewish UK MP Assaulted By Muslims While Meeting With Constituents

Tory MP Mike Freer was attacked by a mob of Muslims at North Finchley mosque in north London as he met with some of his constituents there after prayers on Friday afternoon.
(Ed. note to avoid confusion about the linked article: a 'constituent surgery' is a Briticism for a meeting between an MP and his constituents and has no medical connotation)
They forced their way into the mosque and attempted to attack him, with with one of them screaming that he was a "Jewish homosexual pig". Freer was spirited into a locked room and was only able to leave after the police arrived.
Freer was apparently targeted by the group Muslims Against Crusades, who posted about the meeting on their website and urged Muslims to assault him, making reference to last years attack on Labour MP Stephen Timms, who represents East Ham and was stabbed during a similar meeting in east London last year. The group's website said that the attack on MP Timms should be a "piercing reminder" to politicians that "their presence is no longer welcome in any Muslim area".
The police, amazingly, didn't make any arrests when they arrived, but merely escorted Freer out of the area. Apparently making violent threats against a member of Parliament and assaulting him is no longer a crime in the UK....if it's done by the right people.
What the BBC isn't telling you but I have from a confidential source is that there was a meeting afterwards at the mosque at which members of Muslims Against Crusades and other hardliners made specific threats against the mosque and its administrators if they ever allowed any similar occurrences.
The goal of these people is to eventually form a 'state within a state' inside Britain where Islam and sharia rule, where Muslims who might want to assimilate and co-exist with their non-Muslim neighbors are silenced and intimidated and where non-Muslims are persona non grata. They've already made significant progress towards that goal.
Jewish UK MP Assaulted By Muslims While Meeting With Constituents

Tory MP Mike Freer was attacked by a mob of Muslims at North Finchley mosque in north London as he met with some of his constituents there after prayers on Friday afternoon.
(Ed. note to avoid confusion about the linked article: a 'constituent surgery' is a Briticism for a meeting between an MP and his constituents and has no medical connotation)
They forced their way into the mosque and attempted to attack him, with with one of them screaming that he was a "Jewish homosexual pig". Freer was spirited into a locked room and was only able to leave after the police arrived.
Freer was apparently targeted by the group Muslims Against Crusades, who posted about the meeting on their website and urged Muslims to assault him, making reference to last years attack on Labour MP Stephen Timms, who represents East Ham and was stabbed during a similar meeting in east London last year. The group's website said that the attack on MP Timms should be a "piercing reminder" to politicians that "their presence is no longer welcome in any Muslim area".
The police, amazingly, didn't make any arrests when they arrived, but merely escorted Freer out of the area. Apparently making violent threats against a member of Parliament and assaulting him is no longer a crime in the UK....if it's done by the right people.
What the BBC isn't telling you but I have from a confidential source is that there was a meeting afterwards at the mosque at which members of Muslims Against Crusades and other hardliners made specific threats against the mosque and its administrators if they ever allowed any similar occurrences.
The goal of these people is to eventually form a 'state within a state' inside Britain where Islam and sharia rule, where Muslims who might want to assimilate and co-exist with their non-Muslim neighbors are silenced and intimidated and where non-Muslims are persona non grata. They've already made significant progress towards that goal.
Hati-Hati Jika Bertemu Athifah
Karib dan kerabat ...
Sebaiknya Anda berhati-hati jika suatu saat bertemu dengan Athifah.
Karena ia suka sekali memperhatikan gigi orang.
Kepada mama beberapa kali ia berkata, "Gigi Mama kuning!"
Kepada oma dan papa ia beberapa kali juga mengatakan hal itu.
Pesan ini harap Anda ingat karib dan kerabat.
Jangan sampai nanti Anda malu, mama juga pasti akan malu.
Sementara bagi nona mungil itu, 'nothing to loose'.
Ia pasti yang kelihatan paling berwibawa di antara kalian jika hal itu sampai terjadi.
Sementara kalian terlihat seperti kucing yang habis tercebur got.
Jadi lebih baik menghindar daripada malu.
Kecuali jika Anda yakin gigi Anda seputih mutiara.
Barulah Anda bisa bercakap dan tertawa dengan penuh percaya diri di depan nona ini.
Sebaiknya Anda berhati-hati jika suatu saat bertemu dengan Athifah.
Karena ia suka sekali memperhatikan gigi orang.
Kepada mama beberapa kali ia berkata, "Gigi Mama kuning!"
Kepada oma dan papa ia beberapa kali juga mengatakan hal itu.
Pesan ini harap Anda ingat karib dan kerabat.
Jangan sampai nanti Anda malu, mama juga pasti akan malu.
Sementara bagi nona mungil itu, 'nothing to loose'.
Ia pasti yang kelihatan paling berwibawa di antara kalian jika hal itu sampai terjadi.
Sementara kalian terlihat seperti kucing yang habis tercebur got.
Jadi lebih baik menghindar daripada malu.
Kecuali jika Anda yakin gigi Anda seputih mutiara.
Barulah Anda bisa bercakap dan tertawa dengan penuh percaya diri di depan nona ini.
Makassar, 31 Oktober 2011
Kisah Slumdog Millionaire di Dunia Nyata!

Nasib Sushil Kumar berubah dalam satu malam, dari pegawai negeri miskin jadi jutawan, berkat kuis Who Wants to be Millionaire.
Kumar adalah orang pertama di India yang berhasil memenangi kuis populer itu dan ia berhak atas hadiah senilai 50 juta rupee (lebih dari 1 juta dolar AS). Ketika bintang film legendaris Amibath Bachchan, sang pembawa acara kuis, menyerahkan cek hadiah, Kumar dan istrinya yang baru ia kawini empat bulan ini larut dalam tangis bahagia.

“Anda telah menciptakan sejarah. Kemampuan dan semangat Anda telah membuat Anda melangkah sejauh ini,” komentar Bachchan.
“Kami sangat bahagia, tetapi lebih dari itu, kami masih tidak percaya,” tukas Kumar.
Kemenangan Kumar seperti mewujudkan isi film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ di mana si protagonis bernama Jamal Malik menang di kuis Who Wants to be Millionaire. Film arahan sutradara Inggris Danny Boyle tersebut akhirnya memenangi Oscar sebagai Film Terbaik tahun 2008.
Sebelum menjadi jutawan baru, Kumar hanya seorang PNS di kota Motihari, negara bagian Bihar di India sebelah timur. Penghasilan pria 26 tahun itu hanyalah 120 dolar (setara Rp 1,1 juta) per bulan. Untuk menambah-nambahi penghasilan, Kumar bekerja sebagai guru les privat.
Kumar memang menggemari kuis WWTBAM, tetapi caranya untuk bisa menonton acara tersebut tidaklah mudah. Sebagai anak buruh tani, keluarga Kumar tidak mampu membeli televisi sehingga ia harus menontonnya di rumah tetangga. Saat menyaksikan kuis tersebut, Kumar sering sekali menjawab dengan benar sehingga tetangga-tetangganya mendorong dia mencoba peruntungan sebagai peserta.
Kumar juga adalah orang desa. Perjalannnya ke Mumbai untuk menjalani rekaman kuis tersebut adalah kali pertama buatnya bepergian naik pesawat. Ia juga mengaku bahwa Mumbai adalah kota besar pertama yang pernah ia kunjung.
Ketika sudah menjadi peserta kuis, target Kumar tidaklah muluk-muluk. Bisa mendapat hadiah 50 ribu dolar atau 100 ribu dolar saja sudah cukup. Karena itulah, tatkala menghadapi pertanyaan ke-13, ia yang sudah mengantungi hadiah 200 ribu dolar berpikir untuk mundur. Namun takdir menggariskan Kumar terus melaju setelah berpikir keras.
“Saat saya melihat pertanyaan itu, saya tidak tahu jawabannya. Tapi saya terus saja memelototi pertanyaan tersebut dalam waktu lama dan tiba-tiba saya tahu kalau dua dari empat (jawaban) itu salah,” beber Kumar.
Dengan sebuah bantuan yang memungkinkan seorang peserta untuk memberi dua jawaban alternatif, Kumar pun sukses melewati hadangan itu. Penyelenggara kuis menolak mengungkapkan apa pertanyaan tersebut dan hanya memberi petunjuk bahwa soal itu terkait dengan sejarah.
Rencana Kumar
Dengan hadiah besar yang sudah ia kantungi, apa rencana Kumar? Tidak terlalu mewah. Kumar berencana memakai uangnya untuk mengambil kursus persiapan ujian PNS sehingga ia bisa mendapatkan posisi yang baik dan bergengsi.
Kumar juga berencana buat membelikan istrinya sebuah rumah, melunasi utang orang tuanya dan membantu memodali empat saudaranya untuk membuka usaha kecil.
Masih ada lagi, Kumar juga tidak lupa dengan asal usulnya dan ia berencana untuk membangun perpustakaan di Motihari sehingga memungkinkan anak-anak di sana memperoleh pengetahuan yang sejak dulu ia damba-dambakan.
Kumar was the first in India to win the popular quiz and he was entitled to the prize worth 50 million rupees (more than 1 million U.S. dollars). When the legendary movie star Amibath Bachchan, the quiz show host, presented the check gifts, Kumar and his new wife he marry four months late in happy tears.
Kumar adalah orang pertama di India yang berhasil memenangi kuis populer itu dan ia berhak atas hadiah senilai 50 juta rupee (lebih dari 1 juta dolar AS). Ketika bintang film legendaris Amibath Bachchan, sang pembawa acara kuis, menyerahkan cek hadiah, Kumar dan istrinya yang baru ia kawini empat bulan ini larut dalam tangis bahagia.

“Anda telah menciptakan sejarah. Kemampuan dan semangat Anda telah membuat Anda melangkah sejauh ini,” komentar Bachchan.
“Kami sangat bahagia, tetapi lebih dari itu, kami masih tidak percaya,” tukas Kumar.
Kemenangan Kumar seperti mewujudkan isi film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ di mana si protagonis bernama Jamal Malik menang di kuis Who Wants to be Millionaire. Film arahan sutradara Inggris Danny Boyle tersebut akhirnya memenangi Oscar sebagai Film Terbaik tahun 2008.
Kumar memang menggemari kuis WWTBAM, tetapi caranya untuk bisa menonton acara tersebut tidaklah mudah. Sebagai anak buruh tani, keluarga Kumar tidak mampu membeli televisi sehingga ia harus menontonnya di rumah tetangga. Saat menyaksikan kuis tersebut, Kumar sering sekali menjawab dengan benar sehingga tetangga-tetangganya mendorong dia mencoba peruntungan sebagai peserta.
Kumar juga adalah orang desa. Perjalannnya ke Mumbai untuk menjalani rekaman kuis tersebut adalah kali pertama buatnya bepergian naik pesawat. Ia juga mengaku bahwa Mumbai adalah kota besar pertama yang pernah ia kunjung.
Ketika sudah menjadi peserta kuis, target Kumar tidaklah muluk-muluk. Bisa mendapat hadiah 50 ribu dolar atau 100 ribu dolar saja sudah cukup. Karena itulah, tatkala menghadapi pertanyaan ke-13, ia yang sudah mengantungi hadiah 200 ribu dolar berpikir untuk mundur. Namun takdir menggariskan Kumar terus melaju setelah berpikir keras.
“Saat saya melihat pertanyaan itu, saya tidak tahu jawabannya. Tapi saya terus saja memelototi pertanyaan tersebut dalam waktu lama dan tiba-tiba saya tahu kalau dua dari empat (jawaban) itu salah,” beber Kumar.
Dengan sebuah bantuan yang memungkinkan seorang peserta untuk memberi dua jawaban alternatif, Kumar pun sukses melewati hadangan itu. Penyelenggara kuis menolak mengungkapkan apa pertanyaan tersebut dan hanya memberi petunjuk bahwa soal itu terkait dengan sejarah.
Rencana Kumar
Dengan hadiah besar yang sudah ia kantungi, apa rencana Kumar? Tidak terlalu mewah. Kumar berencana memakai uangnya untuk mengambil kursus persiapan ujian PNS sehingga ia bisa mendapatkan posisi yang baik dan bergengsi.
Kumar juga berencana buat membelikan istrinya sebuah rumah, melunasi utang orang tuanya dan membantu memodali empat saudaranya untuk membuka usaha kecil.
Masih ada lagi, Kumar juga tidak lupa dengan asal usulnya dan ia berencana untuk membangun perpustakaan di Motihari sehingga memungkinkan anak-anak di sana memperoleh pengetahuan yang sejak dulu ia damba-dambakan.
Kumar was the first in India to win the popular quiz and he was entitled to the prize worth 50 million rupees (more than 1 million U.S. dollars). When the legendary movie star Amibath Bachchan, the quiz show host, presented the check gifts, Kumar and his new wife he marry four months late in happy tears.
Manchester City Bidik Pemain Keturunan Indonesia
Peminat Radja Nainggolan terus bertambah. Yang terakhir tertarik pada pemain keturunan Indonesia-Belgia itu adalah Manchester City.
Sebelumnya AC Milan sudah menyatakan ketertarikan untuk memboyong pemain yang merumput bersama Cagliari itu, untuk menambal sektor tengah mereka yang kehilangan Gennaro Gattuso.
Kebetulan, Nainggolan juga kerap disebut sebagai titisan Gattuso, karena karakter bermainnya yang ngotot dan tak kenal menyerah.
Jika benar menginginkannya, Roberto Mancini sepertinya harus cepat mengambil langkah untuk mendapatkan Nainggolan karena tak sedikit klub lain yang menginginkan pemain itu.
Because playing a character that is also what makes Manchester City attracted to hook Nainggolan, given Nigel De Jong and Owen Hargreaves is still injured.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Helena Seger 2011
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Zlatan Ibrahimovic Wife Zlatan Ibrahimovic WifeZlatan Ibrahimovic Wife
Zlatan Ibrahimovic Mini Biography
Mini BiographyZlatan was born in 1981 in Malmö, Sweden. He received his first pair of football boots at the age of five and it was obvious even at this early age that he had the potential to become an extraordinary footballer. He grew up in the infamous neighbourhood Rosengård known for being one of Sweden's roughest areas, but this did not hinder him. After playing for a local Swedish Club for a
Seperti Inilah Permainan Ketiga Buah Hatiku
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Mobil-mobilan yang hampir 30 tahun bersama kami |
Percaya tidak, ada mainan yang bertahan hingga hampir tiga puluh tahun lamanya di rumah kami? Ada yang tidak percaya? Ada saya sertakan fotonya, coba disimak yah ... J
Mainan itu milik adik lelaki saya – Muhyi (Uyi), yang tersimpan dengan manis di dalam sebuah lemari di rumah kami. Mobil-mobilan polisi yang memiliki sirine, lengkap dengan suara dan lampu di atas kap mobil dijalankan dengan memakai dua buah batere ukuran besar.
Sayangnya setelah lama tersimpan dengan aman tenteram dan damai, saat mobil-mobilan itu keluar untuk menemani Affiq - anak saya (sekarang berusia 10 tahun) bermain, hanya selang beberapa hari body-nya yang sebenarnya masih aduhai terpaksa memanen kerusakan di mana-mana. Masih mendingan nasib mobil-mobilan itu, nasib mainan kereta api milik Uyi lebih apes lagi, ia rusak hanya dalam hitungan jam di tangan Affiq!
Uyi dan Affiq memiliki persepsi yang berbeda tentang ‘bermain’. Jika bermain sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah ibu kami (seperti jangan sampai rusak, habis main dikembalikan di tempat tertentu), maka Affiq bermain dengan kaidah saya yang lebih bebas. Pada dasarnya saya tidak begitu mempedulikan bagaimana cara Affiq bereksplorasi dengan mainan. Yang lebih penting di atas kerapian dan rusak tidaknya sebuah mainan adalah, anak saya bisa mengembangkan daya nalarnya melalui eksplorasinya. Ini sagat cocok dengan Affiq yang tipikal bocah the explorer. Eits ... tapi kalau 'merusak'-nya kelewatan, saya bisa menegur dan bahkan bisa murka juga lho he he he.
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Beginilah kalau permainan-permainan ini sedang berantakan :) |
Permainan-permainan yang melatih motorik halus |
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Mainan kayu - sudah ada komponennya yang hilang |
Mainan masak-masakan milik Athifah |
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'Skateboard' kreasi ayah untuk cucu-cucunya |
Saya membiarkan semua adegan ini selama satu hal mereka penuhi: membereskan segala kekacaun yang mereka buat dengan mengembalikan segala sesuatunya ke tempat semula. Yang sering terjadi adalah: pada akhirnya saya yang lebih banyak mengembalikan segala sesuatunya itu ke tempat semula pada malam hari sementara badan saya sudah terasa remuk redam oleh rasa lelah setelah seharian bergelut dengan pekerjaan rumahtangga dan meladeni keperluan ketiga buah hati ini. Grrr betapa menggemaskannya.
Affiq dan Athifah (5 tahun) gemar menikmati permainan di layar komputer. Papanya yang telaten memilihkan permainan yang bemutu bagi mereka yang memiliki fungsi yang baik seperti Dora the Explorer, atau Angry Birds. Kami tidak menyukai permainan yang mengekspos adegan perkelahian karena tak ada gunanya buat anak-anak maka kami tak membiarkan anak-anak memainkannya.
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Salah satu game komputer |
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Mainan-mainan warisan si sulung |
Makassar, 30 Oktober 2011
Artikel ini diikutsertakan pada Mainan Bocah Contest di Surau Inyiak
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