A Pakistani spokesman for the Muslim bloc in the UN caused a furor today by announcing to the UN’s top rights body that its 56 member states (essentially, the members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation plus 'Palestine') would ignore a scheduled UN rights panel on anti-gay violence, saying they were “disturbed” at the “attempted focus on certain persons” on the grounds of their “abnormal sexual behaviour,” which “have nothing to do with fundamental human rights.”
The site UN Watch has the statement in full posted on its site.
The letter, written by Pakistan’s envoy Zamir Akram on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation's 56 members plus the Palestinian Authority was sent, believe it or not, on Valentine’s Day to UN Human Rights Council president Laura Dupuy Lasserre and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.
Who says Muslims don't have a sense of humor?
The OIC declared its " unequivocal opposition" to the upcoming March 7th panel discussion on a new UN report on discriminatory laws and practices and violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity...which primarily occur guess where?
The OIC said it will “will not accept its considerations and recommendations.”
The OIC letter also said the panel on anti-gay violence addresses “controversial notions” that have “no legal foundation in any international human rights instrument,” “misinterpreting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and would “seriously jeopardize the entire international human rights framework,” and “ shift the focus from the real issues that deserve the attention of the Council.”
By 'shifting the focus', they mean talking about anything but Jews and Israel, of course.
It's fascinating to me - well, perhaps sickening is a better word- the way the Left in the west makes common cause with countries that actively repress women and homosexuals while at the same time making a fetish about the 'Palestinians' and 'anti-Zionism' to demonize the small country of Israel, which does neither. It's also interesting that the so-called humanitarians at the UN don't simply kick them out no matter how many times they violate the UN Charter.
This is anecdotal, but none the less true. There are a number of homosexual Arabs in Tel Aviv and elsewhere who are essentially illegal aliens who fled to Israel from the 'Palestinian Authority' and Gaza to avoid being executed. The Shin Bet and the police have a list and know exactly whom they are but deliberately do not deport them as long as they live out their lives quietly...because they know that to do so would be the equivalent of a death sentence.
All men may be equal, but all cultures aren't.
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