Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Obama's Deadly Disarmamment Scenario - Reducing US Nukes By 80%

President Obama outlined 3 years ago that he planned to shred America's military and leave the country virtually defenseless. So no one should be surprised at his latest gambit to cut our nuclear deterrent by 80%.

Originally,we had 5,000 nuclear missiles when this president took office. Thanks to the insane START treaty with the Russians, we now have 1500. The President plans to scrap all but 300, taking the U.S. back to levels not seen since 1950. Under this president's new plan, we would have far less in the way of nuclear war heads than Russia and slightly less than the Chinese - if our intelligence is even accurate.

This is exactly what he had planned long ago, and to his credit he was at least occasionally open about it. First, to gut our ground forces and air personnel and then to move on to our nuclear arsenal and finally, our Navy.

As I pointed out long ago,President Obama's model is not FDR but UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and New Labour. And during his decade in office, Blair dealt with Britain's military exactly along the lines of President Obama, emasculating it by cutting its funding to the bone and scuttling most of the Royal Navy, something neither the Germans nor the Japanese managed to do in two world wars.

Blair then used the money for further entitlements to pay off his political backers and bribe voters.

This is not a message to our friends and especially to our enemies of a desire for peace. This kind of unilateral disarmament is a message of weakness. And instead of promoting nonproliferation, it will increase it, since the sheriff has put away his six gun, has decided to become a community organizer and hopes no one is going to shoot him in the back.

The idea with nuclear weapons is not about having more than someone else, but about deterrence. There has never been a nuclear weapon produced in America since WWII with the idea it would actually be used, but the idea that we had them and that they could be if necessary. It was President Reagan's placing missiles in Europe and initiating the Star Wars missile defense system that broke the Soviet Union and destroyed the Iron Curtain.

And now, President Obama wants to not only gut our conventional military but our nuclear umbrella.

In his mind, America needs to be disarmed unilaterally so that we can be forced to be subservient to 'the international community' . Because, in th ewords of his spouse, we're a downright mean country and need to be taken down a few pegs.

Do I question this president's patriotism? Whatever gave you that idea?

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