Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Individual Mandate - Not Doing So Well In The Supreme Court Chambers

Left leaning CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin listened to the arguments and the questions from the justices and called today "a trainwreck for the Obama Administration. All of the predictions, including mine, that the Justices would not have a problem with this law were wrong."

You can literally hear the panic and shock in his voice.

Justice Kennedy in particular looks very promising on this one. This is also the second account I've seen saying that Paul Clement, the attorney representing the plaintiffs challenging ObamaCare was outstanding, and that U.S. Solicitor general Donald Verrilli was unprepared and absolutely awful when it came to answering the justices' questions.

Color me very cautiously optimistic.

But here's something to consider. Let's suppose, just for giggles that the president and his campaign have decided to deliberately throw ObamaCare under the bus to help his re-election?

The bill, especially the individual mandate is unpopular in an almost biblical sense, with almost two thirds of the American people. It doesn't poll well, it's a signature rallying cry for Republicans and it's the last thing President Obama wants to campaign on.

So what if - wait for it - President Obama deliberately decided to throw this particular fight? It takes away a major issue from Republicans, causes the Dow and the GDP to rise almost overnight and helps jobs and the economy as employers start hiring again now that they know they no longer have the specter of ObamaCare hanging over them.

The economy improves, things seem to be going on the right track and what do you know? The president is re-elected.After which he can continue destroying the country unimpeded by any worries about another election.Or at least,that might be the plan that's been cooked up.

Insane scenario? Well,crazier things have happened,haven't they?....I mean, did you ever think we'd have a totally unvetted president of Barack Obama's character and extreme views in the White House?

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