Lord Christopher Monckton, a graduate of Harrow and Cambridge, a prize winning journalist and former policy adviser to British PM Margaret Thatcher and a well known global warming skeptic is not a foolish or unintelligent man, regardless of whether you agree with him or not on certain issues.
During an interview on radio's 'The Larry Miller Show' Lord Monckton took clear aim at the long form birth certificate President Obama provided to his fellow citizens on the web and reiterated what a number of experts have already said - that regardless of where the president was born, what we've been presented with is an out and out forgery.
“I mean, hey you got a president who has a false birth certificate on the Internet, on the White House website,” Monckton said. “It’s not even clear where he was born. You’ve got a national debt which is rising into the stratosphere. You’ve got unemployment certainly here in California at 11 percent, 50 percent in the construction industry. These are real problems. You’ve got real environmental problems — overfishing, deforestation, pollution, not so much in the west but certainly in other countries. These are real problems which ought to be addressed. You’ve got poverty. You’ve got disease. These are again serious problems in Africa for instance, that we could be helping with. But no, we’re obsessed with making the rich even richer and making the absolute bankers richer still by going for global warming and cap-and-trade and other nonsenses of this kind.”
When Larry Miller protested that he disagreed with Lord Monckton, Lord Monckton doubled down.
“I don’t know whether he is Kenyan or not,” Monckton said. “The point is that if I were you, I would want to make absolutely sure that he was born here before allowing him to be elected. And the birth certificate that he put up on that website, I don’t know where he was born. But I do know that birth certificate isn’t genuine.”
Monckton firmly asserted that the birth certificate on the White House website wasn’t real, and claimed it could be dismantled with software.
“It appears in layers on the screen in such a way you can remove quite separately each of the individual dates,” Monckton said. “You use Adobe Illustrator and each of the individual dates is in its own separate layer. This thing has been fabricated. Sheriff [Joe] Arpaio of Arizona has had a team on this for six months. And he has now gone public and said there’s something very desperately wrong with this and of course nobody is saying anything because the entire electorate has been fooled.”
“I’m no birther, don’t get me wrong,” Monckton said. “I haven’t a clue where Obama was born and I wouldn’t want to entreat into the private grief behind investigating. But the point is, is what he has done on the White House website is he has put up a document which he is plainly a forgery and I would regard that as a very serious matter.”
Another tip off is the reference to President Obama's race as 'African' a term that was never used in that context back in 1961.I've already examined in these pages certain discrepancies I noticed when the long form was finally released. Remember back before that happened when we were being told that 'President Obama has already released his birth certificate' and 'there's no so such thing as a long form birth certificate'?
As to why this president has spent considerable time and money hiding away information about himself that has always been openly available when it came to every other person who has run for the presidency, there are a number of quite plausible reasons that might or might not have something to do with where he was born, but would, shall we say, be more than a little embarrassing to this president and the 'myth' we were sold in 2008.
I doubt we're going to find out the truth until President Barack Obama is safely out of office. So it's not really an issue to pursue at this point as far as I'm concerned. But eventually, it's going to come out and some people are going to have a great deal of explaining to do.
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