Egypt's Muslim Brotherhhood and their salafist allies have warned the military junta against trying to stall the Islamist revolution by not removing the current interim government in favor of an Islamist one of the Brotherhood and the salafist's choosing.
The Brotherhood's official political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party, has been agitating for the interim civilian government appointed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to be removed immediately since the parliamentary election, which saw the FJP and the even more radical Salafist Al-Nour party win a huge majority
In its statement, the Brotherhood accused the cureent government of being guilty of:
.. the "biggest failure", listing unrest, judicial interference, stalling reforms, fuel shortages and dwindling foreign reserves.
"When we called for the resignation of the government, its head refused, and this was unfortunately supported by the military council," the group said.
"Keeping this government as we approach presidential elections... which raises suspicions over the fairness of these elections, as well as the general decline of affairs, are things we cannot remain silent or patient over," it added.
"If anyone intends to recreate the former corrupt regime with new faces, the people are willing to move in order to revive their revolution and protect their ship from sinking at the hands of people with no sense of responsibility," it said.
What they're essentially doing is warning the generals not to get in the way of what they see as an inevitable takeover of Egypt, subtly reminding them of their strength within the Egyptian military's rank and file and telling them that now is the time to make a deal if they want to remain in the good graces of the coming Islamist regime.
Khomeini did pretty much the same thing to the generals in Iran's military in 1979.
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