Fatah's unelected dictator Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas Hamas leader Khalid Masha'al announced today after their meeting in Cairo that they had settled all their remaining differences and are now ready to fully implement their unity agreement.
"We want to assure our people and the Arab and Islamic world that we have turned a major new and real page in partnership on everything do to with the Palestinian nation," Mashaal said.
"There are no more differences between us now," added Abbas, who heads the Fatah movement.
Actually, the main difference was that Fatah was always willing to lie and hide it's ultimate agenda to gullible westerners and Israelis in order to make strategic gains while Hamas as a matter of principle was not. Both of them have always been violent terrorist entities with genocidal intentions towards Israel, but Hamas was simply more open about it.
For Abbas' part, he, his two sons and much of the Fatah old guard have already stolen enough money to keep them in obscene comfort already..probably over a billion in Abbas' case alone. They can always leave and take up their comfortable existence in Europe or the Emirates or even in Jordan as Hamas takes over, since most of them have Jordanian citizenship.The shiny new army General Keith Dayton built for Fatah courtesy of the American taxpayer to 'bolster Palestinian security' will of course come under Hamas command and turn their rifles on Israel,but then that was always going to happen eventually and anyone who supported the creation of that army and says in the future that they didn't see it coming is either a pathetic liar or a naive fool.
What I'm going to watch with interest is whether the EU and President Obama continue to supply aid to the 'Palestinians' now that the Beast is reunited once more. The laws of both entities forbid aid to terrorists or those aiding and abetting them, and Hamas is an officially recognized terrorist group by both America and the EU.
I think I know what the EU's answer will be, but President Obama's will be illuminating, especially to America's Jews with the elections coming up.
I hear Kurz's final words in 'Heart of Darkness' or in the film 'Apocalypse Now' echoing in my head.
(h/t Daled Amos)
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