Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Gina Carano Hot Picyures 2012
Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano Hot Gina Carano is a very famous female fighter in the world. She is a great female fighter. She looks gorgeous and hot. Here we have some of Gina Carano most recent and new Hot photos given below. She is looking really very hot in photos. Hope
Gina Carano Fighter Profile and Photos 2012
Birth Name : Gina Joy CaranoBirth Date : April 16, 1982Birth Place : Dallas County, Texas, USAProfession: Mixed martial arts fighterClaim to fame : As Crush in NBC's "American Gladiators" (2008)Gina Joy Carano was born on April 16, 1982, in Dallas County, Texas. Gina Carano is the daugher of Glenn Carano and Dana Cason. Given that her father was the backup quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys from
MF Global's Jon Corzine Raises $500K For Obama

Well, at least we know now where some of that $ 1.2 billion in investor funds that's 'missing' went!
According the Barack Obama's 2012 campaign website, Jon Corzine of Hoboken, New Jersey raised at least $500,000 for the president's reelection effort.
Corzine, of course, has most recently been in the news for being on the wrong side of a $6.3 billion bet as head of MF Global. "MF Global filed for bankruptcy on October 31, after $6.3 billion in risky bets on European sovereign debt spooked investors and an effort to sell the company failed," Reuters reported. "Investigators are searching for as much as $1.2 billion in missing customer money, which regulators said the company may have diverted for its own needs."
Later, Corzine admitted he could not account for the $1.2 billion.
Ah the sweet smell of The Chicago Way..if the president gets re-elected, any bets out there on how soon Jon Corzine gets a pardon if he ends up being convicted?
MF Global's Jon Corzine Raises $500K For Obama

Well, at least we know now where some of that $ 1.2 billion in investor funds that's 'missing' went!
According the Barack Obama's 2012 campaign website, Jon Corzine of Hoboken, New Jersey raised at least $500,000 for the president's reelection effort.
Corzine, of course, has most recently been in the news for being on the wrong side of a $6.3 billion bet as head of MF Global. "MF Global filed for bankruptcy on October 31, after $6.3 billion in risky bets on European sovereign debt spooked investors and an effort to sell the company failed," Reuters reported. "Investigators are searching for as much as $1.2 billion in missing customer money, which regulators said the company may have diverted for its own needs."
Later, Corzine admitted he could not account for the $1.2 billion.
Ah the sweet smell of The Chicago Way..if the president gets re-elected, any bets out there on how soon Jon Corzine gets a pardon if he ends up being convicted?
Newt Attacks Romney For Fiscal Conservatism And Leaner, Smarter Government!

This gets more bizarre the longer it goes on.
Florida has a large population of elderly retired Jews, and Newt Gingrich is targeting them in his personal appearances by claiming that while he was governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney vetoed kosher food in state-supported old age homes, thus causing the retirees distress because of the disrespect to their religion.
Sounds pretty nasty, doesn't it? Especially to someone who keeps kosher and imagines all those poor elderly Jews having to choose between violating their faith by eating non-kosher food or starvation.
The real story? What actually happened is that the State of Massachusetts was going through a severe budget crunch and Governor Romney attempted to cut the state budget by ending expensive kosher kitchens in state-supported nursing homes and called for kosher meals to get prepared off-site and bused in to those locations where they were needed. It would have saved the state $600,000 per year, and still provided kosher meals to any Jew that wanted them. The Democrat- dominated Massachusetts legislature shot the proposal down.
Just listen to Newt's new radio spot:
“vetoed a bill paying for kosher food for our seniors in nursing homes -- Holocaust survivors, who for the first time, were forced to eat non-kosher, because Romney thought $5 was too much to pay for our grandparents to eat kosher.”
I'm upset about this not only because it gives the lie to Newt Gingrich's claim that he's a 'fiscal conservative' but because it's a disgraceful attempt to manipulate old people and slander another person with a deliberate falsehood. He'll be saying Romney eats babies for breakfast next, and poisons puppies for recreation.
After this, I don't want hear another word from Gingrich or his supporters about 'attack ads' or 'lies'. Not another single word.
Newt Attacks Romney For Fiscal Conservatism And Leaner, Smarter Government!

This gets more bizarre the longer it goes on.
Florida has a large population of elderly retired Jews, and Newt Gingrich is targeting them in his personal appearances by claiming that while he was governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney vetoed kosher food in state-supported old age homes, thus causing the retirees distress because of the disrespect to their religion.
Sounds pretty nasty, doesn't it? Especially to someone who keeps kosher and imagines all those poor elderly Jews having to choose between violating their faith by eating non-kosher food or starvation.
The real story? What actually happened is that the State of Massachusetts was going through a severe budget crunch and Governor Romney attempted to cut the state budget by ending expensive kosher kitchens in state-supported nursing homes and called for kosher meals to get prepared off-site and bused in to those locations where they were needed. It would have saved the state $600,000 per year, and still provided kosher meals to any Jew that wanted them. The Democrat- dominated Massachusetts legislature shot the proposal down.
Just listen to Newt's new radio spot:
“vetoed a bill paying for kosher food for our seniors in nursing homes -- Holocaust survivors, who for the first time, were forced to eat non-kosher, because Romney thought $5 was too much to pay for our grandparents to eat kosher.”
I'm upset about this not only because it gives the lie to Newt Gingrich's claim that he's a 'fiscal conservative' but because it's a disgraceful attempt to manipulate old people and slander another person with a deliberate falsehood. He'll be saying Romney eats babies for breakfast next, and poisons puppies for recreation.
After this, I don't want hear another word from Gingrich or his supporters about 'attack ads' or 'lies'. Not another single word.
Iranian Majlis Preparing Impeachment For Ahmadinejad

At least that's what a number of sources are reporting.
The rift I reported on earlier between President Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has not lessened, but gotten even greater.
The chief cause of the friction is that Ahmadinejad has been seeking increased power and freedom of action while showing a disturbing tendency not to follow orders to put it mildly, and the Mullahs don't like it, to say the least.
Under the velayat-e-faqih clerical government installed by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, the Supreme Leader and the Council of Guardians actually rule and the president's office is essentially an administrative one. If Khamenei decides he's had enough of Ahmadinejad,there's nothing stopping him from having the Iranian majlis (parliament) throw hm out of office.
However, the political discord may not be what Ayatollah Khamenei wants right now, especially if he can have a quiet talk with Ahmadinejad and let him know that there could be new accommodations for him in Teheran's Evin prison unless he changes his ways. Ahmadinejad's terms in up in 2013 anyway, and he would not be able to run fro re-election without the consent of Khamenei and the Council of Guardians anyway.
Another possible factor is Khamenei's reported ill health. He may very well decide to settle business with Ahmadinejad and not leave it for a successor to do.
Make no mistake about it - we're not talking about a 'Persian Spring' here..just a changing of one man's position.
Stay tuned...
Iranian Majlis Preparing Impeachment For Ahmadinejad

At least that's what a number of sources are reporting.
The rift I reported on earlier between President Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei has not lessened, but gotten even greater.
The chief cause of the friction is that Ahmadinejad has been seeking increased power and freedom of action while showing a disturbing tendency not to follow orders to put it mildly, and the Mullahs don't like it, to say the least.
Under the velayat-e-faqih clerical government installed by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979, the Supreme Leader and the Council of Guardians actually rule and the president's office is essentially an administrative one. If Khamenei decides he's had enough of Ahmadinejad,there's nothing stopping him from having the Iranian majlis (parliament) throw hm out of office.
However, the political discord may not be what Ayatollah Khamenei wants right now, especially if he can have a quiet talk with Ahmadinejad and let him know that there could be new accommodations for him in Teheran's Evin prison unless he changes his ways. Ahmadinejad's terms in up in 2013 anyway, and he would not be able to run fro re-election without the consent of Khamenei and the Council of Guardians anyway.
Another possible factor is Khamenei's reported ill health. He may very well decide to settle business with Ahmadinejad and not leave it for a successor to do.
Make no mistake about it - we're not talking about a 'Persian Spring' here..just a changing of one man's position.
Stay tuned...
Solitaire dan Sendiri
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Wisma Ukai 2, Minas, Riau, tempat tinggal saat baru nikah |
Dua minggu setelah menikah, saya langsung ikut suami ke tempatnya bekerja (waktu itu di PT. Caltex Pacific Indonesia – sekarang namanya PT. Chevron Texaco, di kota Minas – Riau). Saya excited menyambut kehidupan baru di tempat baru. Inilah untuk pertama kalinya saya hidup jauh dari orangtua. Paling lama saya berpisah dari orangtua saat KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata), selama dua bulan. Satu bulan sih sebenarnya karena saya sempat satu kali pulang waktu sudah sebulan di lokasi.
Sebelumnya saya mempersiapkan diri dengan membaca buku-buku pernikahan dan membeli buku-buku masak. Segala macam jenis masakan berusaha saya beli bukunya, mulai dari masakan ayam, ikan, tahu-tempe, sayur-sayuran dan kue-kue. Mengapa saya begitu serius memperlengkapi diri dengan buku-buku masak? Karena saat gadis saya tak terbiasa memasak. Saya hanya tahu masak nasi, air, nasi goreng, dan beberapa jenis kue (basah dan kering). Selain itu: no experience at all – tidak ada pengalaman sama sekali.
Kompleks Apel, Minas. Kami tinggal di sini sebelum pindah ke Rumbai |
Tetapi sejak akhir masa kuliah saya serius belajar masak, di antaranya dengan nonton berbagai acara masak di stasiun TV. Waktu itu, semua stasiun TV saya pantengin he he he. Maka, hari-hari saya sejak menginjakkan kaki di Riau diwarnai dengan praktek masak (sekelumit kisahnya pernah saya tulis, jika berminat anda bisa membacanya di sini). Segala jenis masakan saya sikat. Hasilnya .... ? Cukup mengagumkan. Beberapa bulan nikah, ada perubahan yang signifikan pada diri suami saya. Ada pertambahan yang menakjubkan pada dimensi badannya. Ia menjadi lebih lebar dan lebih tebal (sayang, tidak menjadi lebih tinggi J).
Masa-masa awal nikah benar-benar berasa sendirinya. Di kampung orang, di tengah masyarakat multi etnis. Sehari-harinya hanya berhadapan dengan dinding-dinding kamar yang membisu. Area perumahan pegawai dan area perkantoran di kota ini terletak di tengah hutan. Suami saya pergi pagi, pulang sore. Setelah itu ia sibuk dengan komputer, televisi, dan buku-bukunya – persis sama dengan kegiatan yang dijalaninya sebelum nikah. Saat itu ada konflik (kisahnya bisa dibaca di tulisan: Ketika Venus dan Mars Menikah | Welcome Trouble) antara saya dengan dirinya, butuh waktu beberapa lama untuk menyelesaikannya ketika itu.
Untungnya saya punya segelintir teman yang sevisi. Kami membentuk pengajian kecil-kecilan. Dari kami untuk kami. Setiap pekan kami bergiliran membawakan materi. Oya, sesekali saya bertemu dengan satwa yang belum pernah saya jumpai sebelumnya. Seperti: biawak, kawanan kera, ular, kalajengking, burung enggang, dan babi hutan.
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Instalasi pengolahan air terproduksi & stasiun pengumpul minyak mentah, ladang minyak Kotabatak. Rumbai SBU, Riau. Sumber: Warta Caltex No. 51/1998 |
Masalah kesuburan (masalah ketidaksuburan, lebih tepatnya) saya dan suami membuat waktu bulan madu kami cukup panjang. Setelah menyetop sama sekali terapi kesuburan secara medis untuk kemudian fokus pada sebuah metode pengobatan alternatif yang sudah saya jalani sejak sebelum nikah, alhamdulillah saya hamil saat usia pernikahan setahun lebih.
Saya benar-benar mempersiapkan ini dengan banyak membaca buku, majalah, tabloid, dan browsing di internet mengenai kehamilan, persalinan, dan mengasuh serta mendidik anak. Kami juga suka mengamati sekitar kami, kepada para pasangan muda yang baru memiliki anak. Tak pernah sekali pun saya bertanya mengenai hal-hal tersebut kepada ibu ataupun ibu mertua karena kekeraskepalaan saya. Bukan karena menilai beliau berdua tidak bagus dalam mengasuh saya dan suami. Bukan. Tetapi karena saya bersama suami lebih suka mencari tahu sendiri. Hasil dari mencari tahu itu, kami akhirnya secara perlahan punya pakem sendiri mengenai pengasuhan dan pendidikan anak.
Di samping itu, para orangtua seringkali masih terikat dengan mitos dan takhayul. Misalnya saja ibu saya pernah mengatakan, “Orang yang hamil muda tidak boleh berhubungan suami istri selama tiga bulan.” Kalau tak punya bekal ilmu, mungkin saja saya mengikuti apa kata ibu saya.
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Kera di halaman belakang rumah di Rumbai, Riau |
Namun sekali lagi – karena kekeraskepalaan saya, walau di mulut saya mah iyah iyah sajah, pada kenyataannya saya mengingkarinya. Lha Allah sendiri tak melarangnya, masak saya mau menjalani apa yang dikatakan ibu saya? Bisa-bisa saya durhaka pada suami karena menzaliminya sekaligus menzalimi diri sendiri. Iya kan? Lalu mengapa saya iyah-iyah saja? Karena ibu saya tak suka dibantah. Sudah sering saya dicap ‘tukang membantah’ karena kekeraskepalaan saya. Sesekali saya perlu mengiyakannya saja walau hanya di mulut.
Masa hamil muda bukanlah masa yang nyaman. Mual setiap hari saya rasakan, begitu juga dengan beragam rasa tidak enak di sekujur tubuh. Namun saya harus memaksa diri untuk tetap bisa sehat. Kalau sampai saya sakit, siapa yang hendak mengurus saya sementara suami saya harus ngantor?
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Ipar saya berdiri di depan rumah kami di Rumbai (G-322), kami tinggal di sini sewaktu saya hamil Affiq hingga Affiq berusia 6 bulan. |
Meski tak enak makan, tak ada nafsu makan, saya harus memaksa diri untuk makan (saya heran kalau ada orang yang sampai jatuh terkapar sakit karena alasan ‘tidak ada nafsu makan’, padahal masalah nafsu makan kan murni kita sendiri yang mengontrolnya. Kalau betul-betul ingin sehat, mestinya perasaan ‘tak ada nafsu makan’ bisa dilawan sekuat tenaga). Meski tak enak badan untuk melakukan pekerjaan rumah, saya harus bisa melakukannya. Untungnya untuk makan siang dan malam kami bisa rantangan. Tetapi untuk sarapan saya harus mengusahakannya sendiri.
Saat saya hamil besar, ibu saya mulai khawatir karena kami tinggal berdua saja. Tak ada yang menemani, juga tak ada asisten rumahtangga.
“Bagaimana nanti kalau Kamu melahirkan?” tanya ibu melalui telepon (dari Makassar).
“Ya, tidak apa-apa. Nanti cari orang yang bisa bantu,” kata saya.
“Punya bayi itu tidak gampang. Harus ada yang bisa bantu memandikan. Mama dulu dibantu suster dari rumah sakit. Coba tanya di sana. Mungkin susternya bisa bantu memandikan bayi,” kata ibu lagi.
Saya hanya menjawab, “Iya.”
Tapi sejujurnya, saya sama sekali tak ingin menyewa tenaga suster. Saya ingin merasakan sendiri mengurus bayi. Memandikannya, menyusuinya, dan melalui hari-hari saya bersamanya. Ia harus bersama saya seorang, tidak boleh ada suster (ataupun tenaga pengasuh bayi) di antara kami. Di sini saya belajar, di rumah sakit milik perusahaan mengenai cara memandikan bayi melalui program senam hamil.
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Salah satu kenang-kenangan dari Rumbai: kartu perpustakaan :) |
Bagi saya, jika sepasang suami istri dikaruniai momongan oleh Allah. Mereka pasti bisa mengasuh dan mendidik momongan mereka tanpa bantuan siapapun. Saya pun sudah bertanya pada seorang kawan yang pernah menjalaninya. Tidak ada masalah, semua baik-baik saja asalkan sepasang suami istri itu bahu-membahu menjalani hari-hari mereka.
Tuh, kerasa kepala kan saya?
Masa sembilan bulan, mendekati sepuluh bulan berlalu. Anak pertama saya – Affiq, lahir dengan selamat setelah menjalani proses induksi pada suatu malam, lepas isya di bulan Juli 2001. Saat ia baru lahir itulah kali pertama saya menggendong bayi baru lahir. Selama ini saya tak pernah berani mencoba menggendong bayi baru lahir. Biasanya saya hanya berani menggendong bayi yang sudah bisa duduk. Ini pengalaman menegangkan bagi saya.
Kenang-kenangan lain: majalah-majalah Warta Caltex |
Di rumah sakit, tak boleh ada yang menemani. Aturan rumah sakit perusahaan menyatakan itu. Itu makanya ada perawat yang siap sedia dipanggil kalau-kalau ada yang dibutuhkan pasien. Saya sempat hampir pingsan di kamar mandi saat suami, ibu, ibu mertua, dan adik ipar sudah pulang ke rumah (oya, mereka datang dari Sulawesi menjelang persalinan), untungnya para perawatnya sigap. Mereka segara datang begitu mendengar teriakan saya, segera menaikkan saya ke atas pembaringan, dan membersihkan darah yang berceceran.
Keesokan harinya bidan yang bertugas membantu saya memandikan Affiq. Dua hari di rumah sakit, saya boleh pulang ke rumah. Sejak saat itu saya sendiri yang memandikan Affiq. Kedua ibu tak membantu saya dalam hal ini. Mereka cukup bersenang-senang dengan Affiq saja, menimang-nimang cucu pertama mereka sambil bercanda. Urusan memandikan, membersihkan dari segala kotoran di badannya, dan menyusui merupakan bagian saya, dengan dibantu oleh suami. Urusan mencuci pakaian sudah ada yang menangani: asisten rumahtangga yang mulai bertugas sewaktu Affiq kami bawa pulang dari rumah sakit.
Lama setelah itu baru saya ketahui bahwa tak banyak ibu yang baru melahirkan anak pertama memandikan sendiri bayinya. Beruntung saya punya pengalaman itu. Memandikan bayi baru lahir memang tak mudah. Apalagi bagi saya, menggendong bayi baru lahir saja tak berani saya melakukannya. Sampai sekarang pun saya hanya berani (memberanikan diri tepatnya) menggendong bayi-bayi mungil yang hadir melalui rahim saya.
Ini secuil hal mengenai kemandirian kekeraskepalaan setelah nikah yang bisa saya ceritakan. Masih mau cerita tapi sepertinya sudah terlalu panjang J. Mungkin di lain cerita, di lain waktu. Pesan saya, kemandirian mengasuh apalagi mendidik anak mutlak perlu, jangan terlalu bergantung kepada orangtua. Nikmatnya luar biasa banyaknya. Kalau menjalaninya, pasti akan merasakannya.
Makassar, 19 Februari 2012
Tulisan ini diikutkan pada perhelatan GIVEAWAY : PRIBADI MANDIRI yang diselenggarakan oleh Imelda Coutrier dan Nicamperenique
Silakan dibaca juga tulisan-tulisan lainnya:
Chinese Brushstrokes
Thanks to the YouTube channel Obscure Animation, I am very happy to showcase for the first time
a video from China. And a lovely one it is, too. This award winning 1960 short was the earliest example
The watercolor paintings of Qi Baishi inspired this unique approach to animation, which was reprised
three years later in The Buffalo Boy's Flute. After a decade of Cultural Revolution
had all but destroyed the Chinese animation industry, Te Wei utilized again the technique
for his 1988 masterpiece Feeling from Mountain and Water. Hopefully this is the first
of many new interesting eastern discoveries...
Monday, January 30, 2012
CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver: 'Hey, We're Racists! What Of It?'
That's not exactly verbatim, but it's essentially what the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said:
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver — the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus – told The Daily Caller that African Americans won’t “march on the White House” over the high unemployment rate in the black community because President Barack Obama is black.
Following his appearance at Republican Rep. Allen West’s Black Conservative Forum, Cleaver elaborated on his past comments about Obama’s image in the African American community, saying, “The point I was making is that black people hold the president in such high esteem, that they would not dare march on the White House even though unemployment is at 15 percent and higher and if there was a white president we would do that because we’ve had white presidents since George Washington.”
Cleaver continued, “The point was that if we had anybody else in the White House, with this level of unemployment, that you know, you would see a lot more African Americans, African American organizations and retro organizations speaking out against it. But because he is revered, you know, he gets I guess the benefit of, you know, understanding that the situation was terrible when he came in. So, we’re not doing that.”
The Missouri Democrat told The DC that he personally resisted a proposed Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) “prayer” demonstration at the White House.
“I was resistant to a group of individuals who wanted to lock arms, surround the White House, with several thousand people during the ALC this past October and pray. I resisted it because I thought if we did that it would be interpreted as some kind of assault on the president, which I was not willing to launch,” he said.
So...it's OK to trash President Bush simply because he's white, but President Obama is sacrosanct just because he's black for even worse performance.
Does anyone have any doubt that if whites used exactly the same criteria in criticizing President Obama while giving a white president a pass Rep. Cleaver and his friends would be foaming at the mouth and screaming "Racism" ?
You see, Racism really is colorblind, as Dr, King so clearly saw.
It's an ugly cancer no matter who wears the sheet.
CBC Chairman Emanuel Cleaver: 'Hey, We're Racists! What Of It?'
That's not exactly verbatim, but it's essentially what the Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus said:
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver — the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus – told The Daily Caller that African Americans won’t “march on the White House” over the high unemployment rate in the black community because President Barack Obama is black.
Following his appearance at Republican Rep. Allen West’s Black Conservative Forum, Cleaver elaborated on his past comments about Obama’s image in the African American community, saying, “The point I was making is that black people hold the president in such high esteem, that they would not dare march on the White House even though unemployment is at 15 percent and higher and if there was a white president we would do that because we’ve had white presidents since George Washington.”
Cleaver continued, “The point was that if we had anybody else in the White House, with this level of unemployment, that you know, you would see a lot more African Americans, African American organizations and retro organizations speaking out against it. But because he is revered, you know, he gets I guess the benefit of, you know, understanding that the situation was terrible when he came in. So, we’re not doing that.”
The Missouri Democrat told The DC that he personally resisted a proposed Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) “prayer” demonstration at the White House.
“I was resistant to a group of individuals who wanted to lock arms, surround the White House, with several thousand people during the ALC this past October and pray. I resisted it because I thought if we did that it would be interpreted as some kind of assault on the president, which I was not willing to launch,” he said.
So...it's OK to trash President Bush simply because he's white, but President Obama is sacrosanct just because he's black for even worse performance.
Does anyone have any doubt that if whites used exactly the same criteria in criticizing President Obama while giving a white president a pass Rep. Cleaver and his friends would be foaming at the mouth and screaming "Racism" ?
You see, Racism really is colorblind, as Dr, King so clearly saw.
It's an ugly cancer no matter who wears the sheet.
India Opts Out Of Participating In Iran Oil Embargo

India, the world's fourth largest oil consumer has informed the US and Europe that it will not participate in the embargo on Iranian oil scheduled to start - if it starts - this summer.
"It is not possible for India to take any decision to reduce the imports from Iran drastically, because among the countries which can provide the requirement of the emerging economies, Iran is an important country amongst them," Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters on a visit to the Unites States.
Yeah, sanctions'll work. Sure they will.
In a related item, India and Iran have agreed to drop the use of the dollar as a reserve currency for oil trading between the two countries. They're using gold.
India Opts Out Of Participating In Iran Oil Embargo

India, the world's fourth largest oil consumer has informed the US and Europe that it will not participate in the embargo on Iranian oil scheduled to start - if it starts - this summer.
"It is not possible for India to take any decision to reduce the imports from Iran drastically, because among the countries which can provide the requirement of the emerging economies, Iran is an important country amongst them," Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told reporters on a visit to the Unites States.
Yeah, sanctions'll work. Sure they will.
In a related item, India and Iran have agreed to drop the use of the dollar as a reserve currency for oil trading between the two countries. They're using gold.
UK's Global Warming Office New Figures: No Warming in the Past 15 Years

The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.
The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.
Remember 'the science is settled'?
What I'd like to know now is how taxpayers in the developed world go about reclaiming the billions of taxpayer dollars that were and still are literally being stolen from the public purse in the name of this scam.
Brinks, The Great Train Robbery and even Bernie Madoff aren't even in the same league.
UK's Global Warming Office New Figures: No Warming in the Past 15 Years

The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.
The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.
Remember 'the science is settled'?
What I'd like to know now is how taxpayers in the developed world go about reclaiming the billions of taxpayer dollars that were and still are literally being stolen from the public purse in the name of this scam.
Brinks, The Great Train Robbery and even Bernie Madoff aren't even in the same league.
Kekacauan di Suatu Siang
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Kekacauan di suatu siang |
Orang-orang mungkin mengira pelakunya adalah dua anak yang paling kecil.
Tetapi tahukah anda bahwa pelakunya bukan mereka?
Pelaku sesungguhnya adalah si sulung yang sudah berusia 10 tahun!
Alhasil ia harus membereskan kekacauan itu dan ternyata membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 30 menit!
Mama tak berhenti geleng-geleng kepala melihat anak sulungnya masih main hambur-hambur
Makassar, 31 Januari 2012
Tuh kan sakit kepala si mama ....
Tak Sengaja, Katanya
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Tas ransel yang talinya lepas |
"Mama, tolong pasangkan talinya," katanya.
Mama memperhatikan tas itu. Keempat tali yang berfungsi untuk disandangkan di bahu yang seharusnya tersambung kini terpisah-pisah.
"Maafkan Mama, Saya tidak sengaja."
Mama tertawa, "Ini bukannya tidak sengaja, Nak. Kalau yang seperti ini namanya sengaja."
Athifah bertanya, "Sengaja? Apa itu sengaja, Mama?"
Sambil menatap mata gadis mungil ini, mama terdiam beberapa menit.
Mama berpikir keras hendak menjawab apa. Bingung juga.
Akhirnya mama memutuskan untuk menjawab, "Kalau tidak sengaja itu misalnya Athifah tidak melihat mainan Athifah di lantai, terus Athifah menginjaknya. Nah, itu berarti tak sengaja menginjak karena Athifah tak melihatnya. Kalau yang ini Athifah sengaja karena Athifah kan melihatnya?"
Athifah mengamini, "Oooh, jadi Saya sengaja?"
Mama mengiyakan.
Makassar, 31 Januari 2012
Sebenarnya topik 'sengaja' dan 'tak sengaja' ini sudah berulang yang kesekian kali tetapi ... apa boleh buat, harus dijelaskan lagi hehehe.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Gara-Gara Saling Berharap
Waktu baru-baru nikah – waktu itu masih tinggal di Minas (Riau), saya dan suami berkesempatan menghadiri pernikahan teman kantor suami saya di Bandung. Secara tidak resmi, kantor mengutus suami saya. Kami menyambut dengan gembira, ini sekalian liburan pertama bagi kami. Beberapa teman kantornya khusus datang dari Minas, bersama-sama dengan kami menumpang pesawat kantor ke Jakarta. Dari Jakarta kami naik mobil ke Bandung.
Ribet sekali bagi saya ketika itu. Ini kali pertama kami bepergian berdua dan saya harus menyiapkan segala apa yang mau dibawa, untuk dua orang. Berhubung saya orangnya melankolis – dalam hal memperhatikan detil barang yang akan dibawa, maka bertambah ribetlah urusan ngepak barang ini.
Saya bila bepergian juga menyiapkan tetek-bengek kecil yang mungkin bagi sebagian orang tidak penting, seperti cotton buds, gunting kuku, buku catatan, pulpen, sendok, pembalut (kalau-kalau haid di perjalanan), kertas buat pembungkus pembalut bekas pakai (jangan heran ya, pembalutnya kan dibersihkan dulu, dibungkus, lalu dibuang), karet gelang, obeng ... eh yang ini tidak ding he he he, dan lain-lain sebagainya.
Maka jadilah kami berempat berangkat pada hari itu menuju Jakarta then Bandung.
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Sumber: www.toonpool.com |
Sampai di Jakarta, kami mampir dulu di mal. Rencananya saya dan suami mau beli komputer. Tiba-tiba eng ing eng ....
Suami : Eh, ATM mana yah?
Saya : Hah .. coba periksa baik-baik!
Suami : Tidak ada
Lalu kami pun menelusuri di mana gerangan kartu ATM berada.
Tak ada. Memang tak ada saudara-saudara.
Suami : Buku bank bawa, tidak?
Saya : Tidak. Bukannya Kakak yang seharusnya bawa?
Suami : Tidak, Saya kira Kamu yang bawa.
Astaga, kami benar-benar tak bawa kartu ATM dan buku bank! Padahal mau beli komputer. Untung ada uang dibawa di tangan eh ... di kantong dan dompet. Kalau tidak ... apa kata dunia?
Saya pikir secara otomatis, urusan kartu ATM atau bukunya akan diurus oleh suami saya. Sementara suami saya berpikir saya yang mengurusnya, wong sekarang saya sudah jadi istrinya. Kartu ATM itu ketinggalan di meja. Entah bagaimana ceritanya, ia yang biasanya menghuni dompet suami saya keluar dari persemayamannya.
Sudahlah, urusan saling menyalahkan tidak perlu lagi di sini. Untung ada kawan yang bisa dipinjami dulu, balik ke Minas baru uangnya diganti. Beruntung kami masih membawa uang kontan dan teman. Jadi masih bisa nginap di penginapan murah-meriah di Bandung, dan di Jakarta masih bisa nginap di rumah teman, eh ... masih bisa pinjam sama teman juga. Coba kalau tak ada teman yang datang bersama kami. Bisa-bisa hari itu juga harus balik ke Minas.
Pesan saya kepada anda yang baru menikah dan hendak bepergian, berdasarkan kisah ini: jangan percaya istri/suami anda 100% dalam hal persiapan. Anda harus menyelidiki pasangan anda seberapa persiapan yang sudah ia siapkan. Lho? Maksudnya, komunikasikan baik-baik mengenai persiapan ini karena anda masih dalam tahap gamang – dari yang tadinya single menjadi double. Sepertinya urusannya sepele tetapi efeknya tidak sepele lho ...
Makassar, 30 Januari 2012
Tulisan ini diikutkan dalam Moleskine Giveaway, di blognya si Tukang Nyampah.
Dibaca juga yah:
AG Holder Caught In Another Fast And Furious Lie

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice did a document dump on Operation Fast and Furious to congressional officials late Friday night. One part of this was a series of emails showing Holder was informed of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s murder on the day it happened – December 15, 2010 – and that he was informed the weapons used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious on the same day.
Let me reiterate. Eric Holder didn't find out about gunwalking and Fast and Furious "a few weeks" before Congress called him in as he originally said (later amended to "a few months") before his May 2011 testimony.He knew all about it the very same day:
An email from one official, whose name has been redacted from the document, to now-former Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke reads: “On December 14, 2010, a BORTAC agent working in the Nogales, AZ AOR was shot. The agent was conducting Border Patrol operations 18 miles north of the international boundary when he encountered [redacted word] unidentified subjects. Shots were exchanged resulting in the agent being shot. At this time, the agent is being transported to an area where he can be air lifted to an emergency medical center.”
That email was sent at 2:31 a.m. on the day Terry was shot. One hour later, a follow-up email read: “Our agent has passed away.”
Burke forwarded those two emails to Holder’s then-deputy chief of staff Monty Wilkinson later that morning, adding that the incident was “not good” because it happened “18 miles w/in” the border.
Wilkinson responded to Burke shortly thereafter and said the incident was “tragic.” “I’ve alerted the AG [Holder], the Acting DAG, Lisa, etc.”
Then, later that day, Burke followed up with Wilkinson after Burke discovered from officials whose names are redacted that the guns used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious. “The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.
“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.
Adding to the paper trail, there already are a series of memos containing the intimate details of Fast and Furious that were sent to Holder throughout 2010 from several of his senior aides. Holder has continued to claim he never read them.
Holder is scheduled to appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform next Thursday, February 2. This will be the first time the House oversight committee will have an opportunity to question Holder himself, although Holder has already testified before Congress three times on Fast and Furious — twice before the House Judiciary Committee and once before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Congress needs to grow a spine and impeach this weasel, since the president won't fire him. And the fact that President Obama has had nothing to say about this also leads me to believe that this entire plot, which appears to be mainly directed at pushing a major erosion of Second Amendments rights by sparking violent incidents on the border goes far beyond AG Holder and directly into the White House itself.
Does Congress have the basic integrity to insist on a special prosecutor? Idoubt it, but if they do, we might actually be able to get to the bottom of this.
AG Holder Caught In Another Fast And Furious Lie

Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice did a document dump on Operation Fast and Furious to congressional officials late Friday night. One part of this was a series of emails showing Holder was informed of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry’s murder on the day it happened – December 15, 2010 – and that he was informed the weapons used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious on the same day.
Let me reiterate. Eric Holder didn't find out about gunwalking and Fast and Furious "a few weeks" before Congress called him in as he originally said (later amended to "a few months") before his May 2011 testimony.He knew all about it the very same day:
An email from one official, whose name has been redacted from the document, to now-former Arizona U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke reads: “On December 14, 2010, a BORTAC agent working in the Nogales, AZ AOR was shot. The agent was conducting Border Patrol operations 18 miles north of the international boundary when he encountered [redacted word] unidentified subjects. Shots were exchanged resulting in the agent being shot. At this time, the agent is being transported to an area where he can be air lifted to an emergency medical center.”
That email was sent at 2:31 a.m. on the day Terry was shot. One hour later, a follow-up email read: “Our agent has passed away.”
Burke forwarded those two emails to Holder’s then-deputy chief of staff Monty Wilkinson later that morning, adding that the incident was “not good” because it happened “18 miles w/in” the border.
Wilkinson responded to Burke shortly thereafter and said the incident was “tragic.” “I’ve alerted the AG [Holder], the Acting DAG, Lisa, etc.”
Then, later that day, Burke followed up with Wilkinson after Burke discovered from officials whose names are redacted that the guns used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious. “The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.
“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.
Adding to the paper trail, there already are a series of memos containing the intimate details of Fast and Furious that were sent to Holder throughout 2010 from several of his senior aides. Holder has continued to claim he never read them.
Holder is scheduled to appear before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform next Thursday, February 2. This will be the first time the House oversight committee will have an opportunity to question Holder himself, although Holder has already testified before Congress three times on Fast and Furious — twice before the House Judiciary Committee and once before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Congress needs to grow a spine and impeach this weasel, since the president won't fire him. And the fact that President Obama has had nothing to say about this also leads me to believe that this entire plot, which appears to be mainly directed at pushing a major erosion of Second Amendments rights by sparking violent incidents on the border goes far beyond AG Holder and directly into the White House itself.
Does Congress have the basic integrity to insist on a special prosecutor? Idoubt it, but if they do, we might actually be able to get to the bottom of this.
California Goes Crazy Again...

Ah, the beat goes on...
Notwithstanding the massive recalls of Chevy Volts, the low driving range before recharging and the high incidence of battery fires,The California Air Resources Board unanimously approved a set of new rules requiring that one in seven of the new cars sold in California by 2025 be an electric or other zero-emission vehicle.
The plan also mandates a 75 percent reduction in smog-forming pollutants by 2025, and a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from today's standards. All hail Gaia! :
"Today's vote ... represents a new chapter for clean cars in California and in the nation as a whole," said Mary Nichols, the board's chairman. "Californians have always loved their cars. We buy a lot of them and drive them. Now we will have cleaner and more efficient cars to love." [...]
Trade groups representing auto dealers worried that the new regulations would increase the costs of vehicles for consumers and stifle the industry's growth.
The California New Car Dealers Association and other industry groups representing those who sell cars said the board is overestimating consumer demand for electric vehicles and other so-called "zero-emission vehicles."
Dealers are concerned that the regulations will lead to higher costs in all cars, and say consumers have been slow to warm to electric and other zero-emission vehicles.
Board member Sandra Berg, who said she drives the all-electric Nissan Leaf, said before the vote that regulators need to take consumer behavior and choice seriously in this equation.
She said a lot of work must be done to educate dealers to sell the new generation of cars.
"Early adopters (of electric cars) are willing to go without heat to save the miles they need to get to their destination, but that is not going to help grow the consumer base," Berg said, referring to the range issues with some current electric vehicles.
The board's research staff disputes the argument from dealers that the mandates for new technology will increase costs for cars. They point to steady increases in hybrid and other sales and argue that fuel cost savings will make up for any vehicle price increase.
"Our research shows a $1,400 to $1,900 car price increase. But over the life of the vehicles, the owners save $6,000 in reduced fuel and maintenance costs," board spokesman David Clegern said.
Consumers have largely shied away from these electric vehicles because of their limited driving range, higher purchase prices ( I don't know what planet Clegern and his 'researchers' are living on) and a mixed record for reliability in a number of models. Simple solution..California's bureaucrats are going to force you to buy them.
Let's look at the likely results of this stupidity:
The ironic part is that this is being done in the name of 'global warming', but will have little or no effect of emissions because all that electric power comes from - you guessed it, power plants fueled by oil, gas, coal or nuclear power. And even if that wasn't true, pollution doesn't honor state boundaries. Or even national borders.
Of course, this isn't about pollution per se, but almost entirely political in nature. The Obama Administration loves cap n' trade because it provides tax revenues, cripples the hated oil and coal industries and gives them bureaucratic control over yet another segment of American industry. And it also allows them to use taxpayer dollars to reward campaign donors with Solyndra-like green energy scams. The Democrats who run California are no different.
If California was anything but a state of the Union, it would be under receivership right now.
California Goes Crazy Again...

Ah, the beat goes on...
Notwithstanding the massive recalls of Chevy Volts, the low driving range before recharging and the high incidence of battery fires,The California Air Resources Board unanimously approved a set of new rules requiring that one in seven of the new cars sold in California by 2025 be an electric or other zero-emission vehicle.
The plan also mandates a 75 percent reduction in smog-forming pollutants by 2025, and a 50 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from today's standards. All hail Gaia! :
"Today's vote ... represents a new chapter for clean cars in California and in the nation as a whole," said Mary Nichols, the board's chairman. "Californians have always loved their cars. We buy a lot of them and drive them. Now we will have cleaner and more efficient cars to love." [...]
Trade groups representing auto dealers worried that the new regulations would increase the costs of vehicles for consumers and stifle the industry's growth.
The California New Car Dealers Association and other industry groups representing those who sell cars said the board is overestimating consumer demand for electric vehicles and other so-called "zero-emission vehicles."
Dealers are concerned that the regulations will lead to higher costs in all cars, and say consumers have been slow to warm to electric and other zero-emission vehicles.
Board member Sandra Berg, who said she drives the all-electric Nissan Leaf, said before the vote that regulators need to take consumer behavior and choice seriously in this equation.
She said a lot of work must be done to educate dealers to sell the new generation of cars.
"Early adopters (of electric cars) are willing to go without heat to save the miles they need to get to their destination, but that is not going to help grow the consumer base," Berg said, referring to the range issues with some current electric vehicles.
The board's research staff disputes the argument from dealers that the mandates for new technology will increase costs for cars. They point to steady increases in hybrid and other sales and argue that fuel cost savings will make up for any vehicle price increase.
"Our research shows a $1,400 to $1,900 car price increase. But over the life of the vehicles, the owners save $6,000 in reduced fuel and maintenance costs," board spokesman David Clegern said.
Consumers have largely shied away from these electric vehicles because of their limited driving range, higher purchase prices ( I don't know what planet Clegern and his 'researchers' are living on) and a mixed record for reliability in a number of models. Simple solution..California's bureaucrats are going to force you to buy them.
Let's look at the likely results of this stupidity:
The ironic part is that this is being done in the name of 'global warming', but will have little or no effect of emissions because all that electric power comes from - you guessed it, power plants fueled by oil, gas, coal or nuclear power. And even if that wasn't true, pollution doesn't honor state boundaries. Or even national borders.
Of course, this isn't about pollution per se, but almost entirely political in nature. The Obama Administration loves cap n' trade because it provides tax revenues, cripples the hated oil and coal industries and gives them bureaucratic control over yet another segment of American industry. And it also allows them to use taxpayer dollars to reward campaign donors with Solyndra-like green energy scams. The Democrats who run California are no different.
If California was anything but a state of the Union, it would be under receivership right now.
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