Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Romance Town Episode 4

While Soon Geum is burning up from embarrassment, Hwang Yong is driving home, admiring his new lottery ticket. He notices the phone number on the back, but thinks nothing of it. Soon Geum sees his car driving by and ducks down, but when she realizes that it’s Hwang Yong – with the lottery ticket – she starts banging on the window trying to get his attention.
Hwang Yong just drives on by, pretending he never saw her. They had made a deal that the two of them will never see each other again or discuss the loan. Tae Won shames his son: just as Gun Woo is desperately looking for Choon Jak, San has been desperately looking for Soon Geum. But Gun Woo is stubborn; he will definitely bring Choon Jak back to the household. Soon Geum says she’s not going to stay after Choon Jak comes back, since she feels unfairly treated by Gun Woo and has her pride to keep. Soon Geum oversleeps on her first day back, and so Yoon Joo angrily storms into her room to wake her up. As Soon Geum tries to blink away the remnants of sleep, Yoon Joo gives a tirade of all the things to do: clean the bathroom…do the laundry…boil the underwear and make sure it’s not in the same pot used for soup…clean out the fridge and do grocery shopping…clean the dishes…give San and the dog a bath. Oh, and make breakfast, because all the yelling has made her hungry. Soon Geum is busy cleaning the entire house, per Yoon Joo’s instructions. As she vacuums the steps, Yoon Joo offers up Hwang Yong’s handkerchief and asks that she wash it separately, and carefully. Soon Geum reaches over to grab it, but is a little too far out of reach, tumbling down the stairs instead. Tae Won and Hwang Yong have dinner together. Tae Won knows about what Hwang Yong does, and gets down to business. If Tae Won leaves an inheritance of 10 billion Won, half of it will be gone because of inheritance tax. He knows that Hwang Yong has the winning lottery ticket in his company. Tae Won wants to buy the ticket for 11 billion; the winner got 500 million more over the 9.5 billion in winnings, and Hwang Yong would get an extra 1 billion. Tae Won’s heir would get the lottery ticket – and the full 9.5 billion. The next day, Soon Geum takes a huge stack of cash and hands it to the real estate office. It’s the contract fee for the apartment, and she smiles in excitement. It’s also the day that Tae Won and Yoon Joo leave for a mini vacation by themselves, so Soon Geum is stuck in the house with Gun Woo. She serves his dinner and cleans up after him, all the while feeling sick. Gun Woo notices, and he offers the fever medicine she bought last time. Back at her home, Gun Woo is puzzled as to why Soon Geum isn’t in her room, or anywhere in the house for that matter. He heads over to Young Hee’s to look. Lottery drawing time! Zar Lin once again checks the numbers, and this time – they actually got four numbers in a row! They’re fourth place, meaning they get $50 in winnings. If they split it 5 ways, everyone gets $10. However, Da Kyum, Soo Jung, and Zar Lin don’t want to split it with Soon Geum – she didn’t even play in this lottery! Hyun Joo thinks that’s unfair, but she’s outnumbered. Then, Da Kyum remembers that Hyun Joo owes her money, and so she wants to split the winnings three ways, with Da Kyum getting more of it to signify Hyun Joo’s share.
Everyone turns against Hyun Joo at this opportunity for a bigger share of the pie. Zar Lin even mentions that Hyun Joo got a raise, and she doesn’t have to farm or take care of children. She’s got it easy, and therefore doesn’t need the money. Eventually, all four maids dissolve into a loud and petty argument over the money. Soon Geum weakly begs them to quiet down, but they pay her no mind. That is, until Young Hee crashes into the room and yells at all of the women to shut up. There’s a sick person in the room, and they’re all so cheap in quarreling over $50. Do they want the money? He’ll just give it to them for free right now if they could just shut up! He picks up Soon Geum in front of the cowering maids and walks out of the room. Gun Woo’s standing at the door. And he just saw everything. He’s more surprised to see that of all people, it’s his maid in his friend’s arms.

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