Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Romance Town Episode 5

Young Hee carries Soon Geum to his car to go to the hospital. She struggles; she can get better with just some sleep! Young Hee tells her to be quiet and throws her over his shoulder. She then spots Gun Woo standing outside the front door. He gets riiiiiight up to Soon Geum’s face and takes a good look at her.
He addresses Young Hee – isn’t his hyung going overboard by taking care of his maid? Young Hee: “So YOU take care of her then…my back hurts.” But that would mean Gun Woo has to take care of the maid he dislikes, so he says, “Well, you were about to do it anyways – so carry on.” “But you’re younger!” “But you’re used to carrying women in your arms.” “But I was working all day.” “But I was playing all day – and that’s harder than working!”
Tired of listening to them argue, Soon Geum knees Young Hee in the stomach and he drops her to the ground. She brushes herself off and heads back home. Young Hee and Gun Woo notice at the same time that she’s not wearing any shoes, and they both stride towards her. Gun Woo wins. He sweeps her off her feet, and carries her princess-style. She’s shocked to see HIM holding her. Young Hee tells her that she’s not supposed to walk barefoot since she’s a girl. R. Yoon Joo is having a facial with Soon Ok and Boon Ja, and she finds out that Jang Chi Gook is alone in the house with Hyun Joo. However, the wives aren’t too worried about Hyun Joo; they see her as a shy, defensive woman, so hurt by her ex-husband that she would never meet a man’s gaze again.
Yoon Joo scoffs; there’s no way they’re talking about the same Hyun Joo (who’s currently at home giving herself a facial). When they were in high school together, Hyun Joo used to flirt with all the boys from the nearby all-boys’ high school. Wait what?! Yoon Joo was classmates with Hyun Joo?
In the sauna room, Hwang Yong, who sees the large carp tattoo on Tae Won’s back, joins Tae Won. Tae Won admits that he’s earned money every possible way except using his fists. They trade locker keys. Hwang Yong opens Tae Won’s locker and finds a huge gold bar equivalent to about 50,000 Won. Tae Won had deposited 220 of those gold bars in Hwang Yong’s account. In Hwang Yong’s locker, Tae Won finds the lottery ticket. The next morning, Hwang Yong and Tae Won stroll around the golf park. Tae Won asks if Hwang Yong will ever remarry; it’d be good if Hwang Yong has a woman, even if he doesn’t love her, because then it’s a sign of success. That’s how Tae Won views his wife. Yoon Joo dives in the pool for a morning swim. As she finishes up, Hwang Yong comes to meet her, looking at her strangely. And then….
Yoon Joo slaps him across the face. She says that she’s Kang Tae Won’s wife, so what the hell is he doing? Hwang Yong said he kissed her to see if she really loved her husband. He verified it inappropriately, but it’s also because ever since she arrived on 1st Street, he’s been in love with her. Boon Ja mentions that Yoon Joo had said they went to school together.
Hyun Joo is shocked – she didn’t realize that Trophy Wife = classmate Seo Yoon Joo, especially with all the plastic surgery the woman must have had.
Young Hee is shocked to find that it’s Soon Geum buying his apartment in CASH. The realtor even says that Soon Geum wants a discount if she can pay in cash. When Soon Geum looks over at him, Young Hee immediately covers his face with a kitchen bowl. Soon Geum heads to the department store to pick up some things for the mistress, and Driver Oh encourages her to play “Madame” for the day by sitting in the back, which is awfully cute. While parked, Driver Oh sees Choon Jak cleaning the glass doors. He immediately calls Gun Woo, who then races out of the office, borrows a coworker’s car, and drives over to the department store. Soon Geum has to wait 30 minutes for Yoon Joo’s clothes to be ready. She wanders around and sees that the makeup department is doing a special makeover for VVIP members, and Soon Geum just happens to have Yoon Joo’s coupon. She gets the makeover of her life! Cat-eyes, lip gloss, hair extensions. She notices the other maids come in, but the makeup artist tells her not to move, so she can’t call out to them.
She returns to the place where she’s picking up the clothing, which is also where Choon Jak is sweeping the floor, which is also where Gun Woo is looking around for signs of Choon Jak. Soon Geum decides to try on a dress for fun. It’s incredibly expensive, but she remembers Young Hee’s comment about her looking like $10 and tries it on anyway. Gun Woo meets up with Driver Oh, who’s now unsure as to whether he saw Choon Jak or not. However, Choon Jak spots him as she goes down the escalator, and she immediately hides from view. Gun Woo hangs around for a bit and sees a woman cleaning next to a transformed Soon Geum. He approaches the cleaner, but is mistaken. Soon Geum calls out to him, but Gun Woo is all, “Are you talking to me?” He doesn’t recognize her at all! A saleslady approaches Soon Geum and says that the clothes she’s picking up is ready. Also, the clothes she’s wearing is $18,000; dang that lady is pushy. Soon Geum reels back in shock, and Gun Woo catches her before she falls. He’s surprised to see a woman who looks rich be shocked at such a price. She decides to buy the clothes. Gun Woo appears by her side again. He wonders if they’ve ever met, but she denies it. He asks her out for a drink – he has two coupons for free coffee, just like when she had given him a free coffee with her coupon three years ago. The sweet memory brings a smile to her face, and she agrees to a date! They wait for the elevator, and when it opens, it’s the four maids! They’ve bought something with their winnings that they can share, and are surprised to see Gun Woo. Soon Geum looks away, hoping they won’t recognize her.

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